Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Place and time when IA was held

1 Initial Problem

For documentary reasons some organisations require to store when and where an individual assessment took place.

2 Conceptual Summary

A new datetime field and a text field is added to every participant record. A configuration option is introduced in the IA settings to mark these as required or not.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

The views particpant record and settings of the individual assessment are changed.

3.2 User Interface Details

The participant record is extended two new UI elements for the datetime and location input. The elements will be placed right below to Internal record note. Both fill be disabled but visible after the IA is finalized.

The settings of the IA will be extended by a checkbox element. With this it is possible to mark the Place and Date and time as a required input. If the checkbox is active the inputs are required in every participant record.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

4 Technical Information

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • ...

7 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], JAN 30, 2017: Highly appreciated and scheduled for 5.3.

8 Implementation

Implementation of the feature as described in request:

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2017-08-23 by scarlino:

  • C18695 : Ort- und Zeitangabe bei Bewertung (aktiviert)
  • C18700 : Ort- und Zeitangabe bei Bewertung (deaktiviert) 


Approved at 2017-08-23 by Klees, Richard [rklees].

Laatste wijziging: 23. Aug 2017, 17:28, Klees, Richard [rklees]