Feature Wiki
2nd Wave of Tool Tips (in forms and tables)
1 Requirements
Forms often include additional text to radio buttons, check boxes and so on. On the one hand these texts are not only useful and but even necessary to get the configuration of for example courses and tests in a right way. On the other hand those additional texts discourage people at first glance, because things seem to be to complex to handle them easily. And even for professional users of ILIAS those texts could be presented in a clean look regarding design quality.
Forms could be cleaned up by removing the extra text explaining each option. When a user turns on online help there could be small help icons for each sub-section of a form. To activate the help for a sub-section of the form the user would click on the help icon to activate the further explanations.
The displayed explanations can be closed by clicking on the same help icon again or by activating the help for another section (like a accordion, only one the help for on form section would be shown at same time to keep the page clean).
See screenshots.
2 Status
- Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet
- Funding: Required / Partly funded by / Funded by ...
- Development: Feature is to be developed by
- If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: your name / your e-mail
3 Discussion
Alternative Behaviour TL, 10.12.2012: the text in the forms is either activated (shown) or deactivated (hidden) together with the other tool tips upon click on the litte yellow flag in the main navigation.
4 Implementation
Last edited: 4. Jan 2013, 14:39, Langkau, Thomas [langkau]