Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Technische Hochschule OWL

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1 Contact

Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe / OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
is institutional member of the ILIAS open source e-learning society.

2 Fundings

Funded for ILIAS 10:

Funded for ILIAS 9:

Funded for ILIAS 8:

Funded for ILIAS 7:

Funded for ILIAS 6 :

Funded for ILIAS 5.4 :

Funded for ILIAS 5.3 :

Funded for ILIAS 5.2 :

Funded for ILIAS 5.1:

Ultima modifica: 24. Feb 2024, 14:56, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]