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Removing Legacy-UI » Toolbar » ‘Label‘ + ‘Input‘ + ‘Legacy Dropdown‘ + ‘Submit‘

1 Initial Problem

The project Removing of Legacy-UIComponents-Service and Table aims to get rid of various legacy UI elements.
This request, as one part, deals with the removal of microforms in toolbars.

2 Conceptual Summary

The main function of this request is to document the resolutions from the project Removing of Legacy-UIComponents-Service and Table

This solution is to be used as a pattern for the transformations and to future implementations.

2.1 Compensation to micro forms in toolbars with composition:  |Label| + |Input| + |Legacy Dropdown| + |Submit|

» Current implementation: |Label| + |Input| + |Legacy Dropdown| + |Submit|
» Future implementation: |KS-Dropdown|

This composition is usually a mixture of different options to make assignments of entities. 

KS dropdown is labelled and with direct selection of the action.

Course » Members

Current Pattern

Current Implementation for the example "Adding Users"

Label + [Input] + [Legacy-Dropdown] + [Submit]

Add from Clipboard
Search User

Future Pattern

Future Implementation for the example "Adding Users"

   ⌙ [entry 1]
   ⌙ [entry 2]
   ⌙ [entry 3]

[Add Users]
   ⌙ [Manual entry]
   ⌙ [Insert from user clipboard]
   ⌙ [Search user]

Process "Add user to …"

  • Add Users [Dropdown]
    • Manual entry
    • Insert from user clipboard
    • search user


  • Manual entry [One-Step-Roundtrip-Modal]
    • Taget solution: KS form
      • User input [Tag Field Input with AutoCompletion (based on data such as name or email address) for clear visibility of all individual values entered] 
      • Role selection [Radio Group » KS Radio Input] [1]
      • Add User(s) or Cancel [KS-Buttons of Modal]
    • Fallback solution: legacy form[2]
      • User input [Legacy Text Input with AutoCompletion] [3]
      • Role selection [Radio Group] [4]
      • Add User(s) or Cancel [KS-Buttons of Modal]

  • Insert from user clipboad [separate new screen]
    • Table with actual users in user clipboard [KS Data Table]
    • Multi-Select at the bottom of the table [KS-Dropdown] (instead of former Multi-Select)
      • Insert as course member [KS-Dropdown-Entry]
        • execute and return to origin
      • Insert as course tutor [KS-Dropdown-Entry]
        • execute and return to origin
      • Insert as course administrator [KS-Dropdown-Entry]
        • execute and return to origin
      • Insert as [local role] [KS-Dropdown-Entry]
        • execute and return to origin
      • Remove from clipboard [KS-Dropdown-Entry]
        • execute and return to user clipboard table

  • Search Users [separate new screen]
    • form with search type to add users 
    • … (process remains as it is)

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

The following usages are examples. The list does not claim to be complete.

  • Add users to roles in member views
  • Add users to roles in role assignment
  • Add participants to a test
  • Add users to list of appraisees in survey

Addendum: The following list should be complete:

  • Add User to Role
  • Permissions of User (other solution will be needed)
  • Blog > Contributors
  • Bookingpool > Participants
  • Consultation Hours > Assign Users (other solution will be needed)
  • Course > Membership
  • Group > Membership
  • Exercise > Submissions and Grades
  • Exercise > Manage Team
  • Forum > Moderators
  • Individual Assessment > Members
  • Learning Sequence > Membership
  • Organisational Unit > User Assignment
  • Employee Talks > (unsure where exactly)
  • Session > Membership
  • Study Programme > Assignments
  • Survey > Raters
  • Test > Participants

3.2 User Interface Details

|Label| + |Input| + |Legacy Dropdown| + |Submit| »» |KS-Dropdown|

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


3.4 Accessibility Implications

Nothing specific.

4 Technical Information


5 Privacy


6 Security


7 Contact

  • Author of the Request: Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila] for Working Group of RemovingLUI
  • Maintainer: various
  • Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding, please contact Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila] and Detemple, Konstanze [kdetemple].

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 24 JUL 2023 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the suggested UI changes for ILIAS 9 with the following change: please use the RadioInput for the role selection instead of a dropdown with KS Select Input. Language streamlining of the labels with verb-based style is highly appreciated.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 08 JAN 2024: We highly appreciate this suggestion and re-schedule the feature for ILIAS 10.

10 Implementation

{ The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible. }

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Information in privacy.md of component: updated on {date} by {user} | no change required


Approved at {date} by {user}.

[1] Possibly later also with multi-select. Would be a separate requirement.
[2] Current use, as there are no inputs with AutoCompletion at the moment.
[3] Current use, as no tag input with AutoCompletion exists at the moment.
[4] Possibly later also with multi-select. Would be a separate requirement.

Last edited: 6. Mar 2024, 08:14, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]