Feature Wiki
Close Learning Module
1 Description
Status Quo
In einem Lernmodul klickt man sich wie in einem Buch von Seite zu Seite. Auf der letzten Seite haben Anfängerinnen und Anfänger keinerlei Anhaltspunkt, wie man aus diesem Objekt wieder herauskommt. Um zurück zum Containerobjekt (Ordner, Gruppe, Kurs, Kategorie) zu gelangen, muss man sich über den Pfad hinaushangeln.
Das Lernmodul soll wie ein Buch schliessbar sein. Auf der letzten Seite, wo normalerweise der Link zur nächsten Seite wäre, klickt man beispielsweise auf "Schliessen" und wird automatisch in den Container darüber geleitet.
Like a book, ILIAS learning modules should be closable. The last link could be "to close" and lead to the container object above.
Zu überlegen/To consider
- Müsste das ILIAS-Lernmodul auch auf anderen Seiten zu schliessen sein, nicht erst am Ende?
- Ergäbe die Funktion auch in anderen Lernmodul-Typen Sinn (falls diese nicht schon etwas in der Art haben)?
- One often wants to leave the learning module earlier or doesn't read it chronologically, so there should be also a superior "close" option.
- Should this option be avaiable in other modules, too (if not already integrated)?
2 Status
- Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet
- Funding: Required / Partly funded by / Funded by ...
- Development: Feature is to be developed by
3 Additional Information
- If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: PH Zürich / ilias@phzh.ch
4 Discussion
Matthias Kunkel, 20 Feb 2012: If learning modules offer a button to close the module and to go back to the starting point, this button should be available always in the learning module, not only on the last page. I see such button as an option that can be enabled in the settings (or disabled if we agree that it should become default behaviour).
JF 19 Mar 2012: We onced had an "Up Arrow" on the level of the title of objects on the right side. We removed this due to a suggestion of the usability group. If a function like this should be available always and also for other object types, we need a suggestion how it should looked and where it should be located in the user interface.
Florian Henke 20 Jun 2017: I think a good solution would be to provide a button similar to the ilias tests on every page of the learning module like shown in the figure below (red box). The button could be an option, but then it has to be default behavior definitely.
Sven Kornmann, September 2, 2020: A few years later and still no "Quit Module" button. It is difficult, especially for ILIAS novices, not to lose orientation over stumbling blocks like this. Another example is the new "Learning Sequence", which is a great tool but again lacks an option to go back to the previous point in a course. So I add a +1 for the feature request!
5 Follow-Up
最終更新: 2. Sep 2020, 09:44, Kornmann, Sven [Macoperator]