Feature Wiki

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kiosk mode for all ILIAS objects

1 Description

All ILIAS-Objects (Forum, Survey, etc.) should be accessible in a kiosk mode.

  • Permanent Link, which opens ILIAS without the Personal Desktop, the Repository, etc. The user should have the feeling of accessing a single application.
  • Kiosk mode for groups / courses: Groups and courses should be accessible also in a kiosk mode. It should be possible to navigate with the ILIAS-breadcrumb. But the root of the breadcrumb should be the course and not the ILIAS-Repository.
The kiosk mode for repository objects is realised as plugin using the extended user interface plugin slot.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: julia.kehl@net.ethz.ch, studer@ilub.unibe.ch (Universität Bern)

4 Discussion

ELBA2 meeting: The Kiosk will be implemented as a "User Inteface" plugin. The plugin can replace user interface elements (e.g. the main menu). The Kiosk mode will simply remove the menu and other unwanted elements.

M. Kunkel, A. Killing, 1 Apr 2011: We confirm the necessary extension of the user interface plugin slot for 4.2.

5 Implementation

Implemented as plugin

Last edited: 14. Aug 2014, 14:15, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]