Download & Releases

5.2.0 (stable)

Release 5.2.0 has been published on February 7, 2017

Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found in section 3 of the general installation instructions. For major updates (e.g. 4.4.x -> 5.0.x) the safest proceeding is, to upgrade a copy of your productive system first and test whether everything works ok.

If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.2.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
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152 MB, 2017-02-07
md5: 4611bef4576569e661074eb05b851400

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
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142 MB, 2017-02-07
md5: 6b1d7e229cc6f1b9dd96dea08ed5cc5c 

Fixed Bugs

The following bugs reported in Mantis have been resolved:

* #0020022: [Group] Failed test: Mitglied in lokale Rolle aufnehmen (smeyer)
* #0020145: [Forum] Fatal Error on subtab Notification / Benachrichtigungen (nadia)
* #0020124: [Badges] Cannot load badges (akill)
* #0020139: [Test & Assessment] Manual Scoring per Participant (bheyser)
* #0019977: [Exercise] New Language Variable needed (akill)
* #0019956: [Survey] Mail access codes not working (jlopez)
* #0020119: [Test & Assessment] CTM-Test crashes nach Start mit Taxonomiefilter eines Fragenthemas (bheyser)
* #0019795: [Exercise] Deleting peer feedback files not possible (jlopez)
* #0020114: [Group] Wording in den Rechten > Gruppen (smeyer)
* #0020104: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Missing argument 1 for ilPageComponentPlugin::getJavascriptFiles() (akill)
* #0019202: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Ansicht Kompetenz-Ergebnisse - Table only includes one row despite multiple passes (bheyser)
* #0019934: [Accessibility] Clicking on "Accessibility" link in the footer leads to Whoops: Call to undefined function tidy_parse_string() (akill)
* #0018241: [Language Handling] language reload "deletes" language variables of plugins (fneumann)
* #0019958: [Setup] Database canot be updated (fschmid)
* #0020094: [Setup] DB update step 4834 crashes because of faulty duplicate handling in step 4833 (akill)
* #0019813: [Group] Info Message "Timeline" is visible for non registered users (akill)
* #0020083: [Portfolio] Failed test: Exportieren als HTML-Datei (akill)
* #0019972: [Login, Auth & Registration] Failed test: Maximales Alter von Passwörtern (smeyer)
* #0020081: [Group] User clipboard no longer available in Group (smeyer)
* #0019943: [User Service] Failed test: Benutzbarkeit des Kontos einschränken (smeyer)
* #0020015: [User Service] Failed test: Bearbeiten eines benutzerdefinierten Feldes (smeyer)
* #0020016: [User Service] Failed test: Benutzerdefinierte Felder anlegen nachdem mindestens ein Benutzer der Nutzungsvereinbarung bereits zugestimmt hat (smeyer)
* #0019402: [Statistics and Learning Progress] Failed test: Lerner ruft Lernfortschritt auf (smeyer)
* #0019143: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Hotspot / Imagemap Frage erstmalig beantworten (bheyser)
* #0020021: [Test & Assessment] Testresults in learning objective driven course are skrewed (smeyer)
* #0020036: [Course Management] Failed test: Kurseinstellungen vornehmen (smeyer)
* #0019839: [Course Management] Failed test: Kurseinstellungen vornehmen (smeyer)
* #0020035: [Course Management] Failed test: Einstellungen umsetzen (smeyer)
* #0020051: [Statistics and Learning Progress] "Cannot parse date" error when opening learning progress tab in SCORM2004 LM (smeyer)
* #0019443: [Statistics and Learning Progress] Failed test: Zusammenfassung exportieren (smeyer)
* #0018862: [Badges] CourseLP Badge for completing SCORM (akill)
* #0019879: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Einstiegstest in LOK: "0. Versuch" (bheyser)
* #0019420: [CSS / Templates] Padding in Panel / Heading Structure in Panels (akill)
* #0019903: [Administration] Failed test: Log-Cache (smeyer)
* #0019819: [Course Management] Failed test: Kurs importieren $$ (smeyer)
* #0019366: [Glossary] Failed test: Bestehendes Objekt vom Zielort aus kopieren (akill)
* #0020023: [Mail] Index on 4000 VARCHAR column in mail_attachment (mjansen)
* #0019945: [User Service] Failed test: Benachrichtigung über Neuanmeldung konfigurieren (mjansen)
* #0020044: [Chat] Error when accessing Admin > Chat > Öffentlicher Chatraum: Einstellungen > Gesperrte Benutzer (mjansen)
* #0010898: [Administration] Please add .jpg to standard suffix in mediacasts (akill)
* #0019998: [Language Handling] Typos in lang_en in trunk (mkunkel)
* #0019826: [Forum] Failed test: Forenbeitrags-Benachrichtigung ohne Dateianhang in der Benachrichtigung (nadia)
* #0019749: [Glossary] Error when trying to open glossary - only some glossaries (akill)
* #0019563: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Incomplete goto link (akill)
* #0019649: [Survey] Failed test: In Listenansicht Matrixfrage erstellen/bearbeiten (jlopez)
* #0019648: [Survey] Failed test: Zugangsschlüssel per Mail versenden (jlopez)
* #0015985: [SCORM Online Editor] Missing tool tips in SCORM Organisation (akill)
* #0016403: [SCORM Online Editor] Click on 'weiter/next' causes abort of WBT if sequencing-rules are 'empty' (akill)
* #0012308: [_Other] ereg is deprecated (akill)
* #0013195: [_Other] $lng ist not defined (akill)
* #0012933: [Blog] Presentation problems when image has text float (akill)
* #0016023: [Blog] Image width: Blog images get displayed beyond the blog container width / Also, distortion on mobile (akill)
* #0005074: [Administration] Wrong focus in user administration (akill)
* #0019802: [Administration] Files: Success message not green (akill)
* #0019748: [Administration] Can't activate Custom Icons in Repository Administration (akill)
* #0019644: [Glossary] Can't open the Info Tab in the presentation view (akill)
* #0019674: [Setup] Failed test: Neuen Mandanten anlegen - Schritt 1 : Basisverzeichnisse (akill)
* #0019245: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Failed test: SCO importieren (akill)
* #0019870: [Category and Repository] Failed test: Kategorie importieren (akill)
* #0019887: [RBAC] Failed test: Didaktische Vorlage in mehreren Sprachen pflegen (smeyer)
* #0019541: [RBAC] Failed test: Nur Recht „Lesezugriff“ (akill)
* #0019939: [News] Failed test: News erhalten, wenn ein Beitrag im Blog veröffentlicht wird (akill)
* #0019654: [News] Failed test: Zusammengefasste News aus Kursen und Gruppen (akill)
* #0019686: [Login, Auth & Registration] Authentication: Missing code to handle user task after succcessful (GUI) login (complete profile, accept terms of service etc.) (smeyer)
* #0019464: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Failed test: Neues Medienobjekt mit geänderten Größen anlegen (akill)
* #0019474: [Personal Profile] Failed test: Persönliche Daten aus gleicher Version importieren (akill)
* #0019368: [Glossary] Failed test: HTML-Export erzeugen, damit Glossar offline genutzt werden kann (akill)
* #0019315: [Test & Assessment] Bug: Vertikale Anordnungsfrage Firefox 49.0.1 OSX (bheyser)
* #0019751: [Weblink] Failed test: Verfügbarkeit (akill)
* #0019455: [Wiki] Failed test: Wiki aus älterer ILIAS-Version importieren - some settings get lost (akill)
* #0019818: [Survey] Failed test: An Umfragen teilnehmen (jlopez)
* #0019672: [Portfolio] Failed test: Portfolio-Freigabe hinzufügen (akill)
* #0019724: [Portfolio] Failed test: Portfoliovorlage kopieren (akill)
* #0019522: [Tagging] Failed test: Tagging aktivieren/deaktivieren (akill)
* #0019521: [Notes and Comments] Failed test: Notizfunktion administrativ aktivieren/deaktvieren (akill)
* #0019544: [Course Management] Failed test: Reiter Inhalt öffnen und Seiten-Editor (Seite gestalten) aufrufen (akill)
* #0019659: [Survey] Failed test: Ergebnisse der Gap Analyisis einsehen: Feedback aus 360°­Umfrage einsehen (akill)
* #0019799: [Survey] Editing survey activation codes always return "success" (jlopez)
* #0019393: [Glossary] Can’t open a certain glossary on Test52; works flawlessly on Test51 (akill)
* #0019300: [Group] Failed test: Auswahlliste bearbeiten (smeyer)
* #0019472: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Test mit zufälliger Fragenauswahl importieren - Fails from ILIAS 5.1 to 5.2 (bheyser)
* #0019452: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Fragen im Test verpflichtend machen (bheyser)
* #0018889: [Test & Assessment] Obligatory questions are not marked; ILIAS can be tricked into skipping them (bheyser)
* #0019453: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Fragenpool aus älterer ILIAS-Version importieren - description gets changed (bheyser)
* #0019631: [Test & Assessment] Error when clicking on Print View or Review (bheyser)
* #0018916: [Test & Assessment] Legacy icon shown for obligatory questions (mjansen)
* #0019115: [Test & Assessment] Manual sorting of taxonomy is not reflected in when assigning nodes to questions. (mjansen)
* #0019428: [Test & Assessment] Questions > List view: Ordering numbers don’t fit field when 3+ digits (bheyser)
* #0019231: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Scorm-Player startet nicht in der angegebenen Fenstergröße (ukohnle)
* #0019577: [User Tracking] Error in following tracking functions (SCORM 1.2 modules only) (ukohnle)
* #0019139: [Test & Assessment] Multiple Choice: Answer Limitation (bheyser)
* #0017995: [Test & Assessment] wrong form (or table ?)class (mjansen)
* #0018896: [Test & Assessment] Click on "List of Answers" leads to Whoops (bheyser)
* #0018913: [Test & Assessment] Export/import on test52 leads to Whoops (or renamed test) (bheyser)
* #0019586: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Statistik exportieren (bheyser)
* #0019569: [Certificate] TestRail Testfall T20574: Beliebige Ränder mit Negativeingaben (mjansen)
* #0019566: [Certificate] Testrail Testfall T20562: Seitenformat "Eigenes Format" mit gemischtem Dezimalpunkt (mjansen)
* #0019568: [Certificate] TestRail Testfall T20571: Beliebige Ränder mit gemischtem Dezimalpunkt (mjansen)
* #0019571: [Certificate] TestRail Testfall T20580: Beliebiger Text mit allen Platzhaltern (mjansen)
* #0019565: [Certificate] Testrail Testfall T20561: Seitenformat "Eigenes Format" mit Null- und Negativeingaben (mjansen)
* #0019218: [Test & Assessment] Clicking the fullscreen icon of an image in a test opens the "save on navigation" modal (bheyser)
* #0019342: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Statistik exportieren (bheyser)
* #0018894: [Test & Assessment] Changing a test to "random" leads to Whoops (bheyser)
* #0019178: [Test & Assessment] Starting imported tests leads to error message (bheyser)
* #0019475: [Test & Assessment] Opening a test: Non-static method ilObjTest::_getBestPass() should not be called statically (bheyser)
* #0019532: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Teilnahmebeschränkung hinzufügen (bheyser)
* #0018895: [Test & Assessment] Test with fixed participants: Even selected participants get access denied (bheyser)
* #0019515: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Kprim Choice-Frage erstellen (bheyser)
* #0019390: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Exportdateien sortieren / MB versus KB (mjansen)
* #0019432: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Test Exportdatei erstellen inkl. Ergebnissen (bheyser)
* #0012936: [Course Management] LoK: Test zu einem Lernziel kann nach bestehen erneut aufgerufen werden (smeyer)
* #0019345: [Statistics and Learning Progress] Failed test: Ansicht exportieren (Test | Zusammenfassung | xls) (smeyer)
* #0019961: [Statistics and Learning Progress] Failed test: Lernfortschrittsdaten exportieren (smeyer)
* #0019403: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Copying question from pool into ILIAS LM produces error (akill)
* #0019660: [Survey] Failed test: Feedback­Geber auswählen und einladen (jlopez)
* #0019466: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Failed test: Vorschau eines Medienobjekts (akill)
* #0019339: [Language Handling] German: "Completion Status" view isn't translated correctly (mkunkel)
* #0019422: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Beim Durchlaufen von Demoskripten der SCOs in einem SCORM Lernmodul wird das Ergebnis nicht gespeichert (ukohnle)
* #0019221: [Test & Assessment] Test cannot be started if "Scoring Multiple Passes" = Score the Best Pass (bheyser)
* #0019385: [Learning Module SCORM 1.2] Failed test: Ausgewählte Benutzerdatensätze exportieren (ukohnle)
* #0019386: [Learning Module SCORM 1.2] Failed test: Alle Protokolldaten exportieren (ukohnle)