Development Guide

Access Data and Name Presentation

User Data

Access Data of the User Currently Logged in

An instance of class ilObjUser for the user currently logged in ILIAS is available through the DI-Container. You can use the public methods of this class to access the data of the current user (see Services/User/classes/class.ilObjUser.php):

function foo()
    global $ilUser;
    $user_id = $ilUser->getId();
    $user_firstname = $ilUser->getFirstname();
    $user_lastname = $ilUser->getLastname();

Standard User Name Presentation

The class ilUserUtil provides a static method called getNamePresentation(...) that should be used to display user first and last name whenever possible.

  • The login is always displayed as [login]
  • First and last name are only displayed if there is a public profile (this can be overridden by parameter $a_force_first_lastname)
  • Optionally the user image can be included
  • Optionally a link to the public profile of the user can be included
    ilUserUtil::getNamePresentation($user_id, true, true, $back_link));