Installation and Maintenance
Adjust entries to properly compile a skin
At this point, compiling the standard delos.less file would fail due to path problems.
In the file delos.less at about line 20 the base for some imports is set. Since the files were moved to the new location, this path must be fixed to make the imports work. prepending ../../ to the path usually works.
At this point, compiling should run without errors, but some icons (like the search button) can not be displayed. to fix this, edit
and adjust the path value for
by again prepending ../../
as stated in the comments above the respective configuration lines.
To test the settings, compile the less-file:
lessc delos.less delos.css
lessc --clean-css delos.less delos.css
for a minified css version.
Probably you should keep a backup copy of working versions of the css file befor overwriting them.
Copy this file to "your-id.css" (caution: this is case sensitive and must match the template.xml id-entry) if it compiles successfully and reload the ILIAS pages to see the result.
From that point the new skin should look like the standard delos skin and is ready to be configured