Installation and Maintenance

ILIAS setup: Basic Settings

After the installation of the ILIAS code and all the modules needed, you can call the ILIAS website for the first time.
Either you just choose your site name or the setup page in your internet browser:




If ILIAS is not yet configured (or the configuration was deleted), setup starts automatically. If you want to enter the setup after the first-time configuration, use the direct call to your setup.
The setup consists of these prcedures:
  • Settings common to all clients of this installation
  • Client installation: Database, Proxy, Registration
Setup greets you with sone checks which all should be ok:
Setup first start

If anything fails, correct the corresponding steps and start setup again.
Now click "Installation".
Ilias needs some configuration data common to all clients you create. Some of these values are only entered during initial configuration, othes can be changed lateron
The screenshots below shows the configuration of our system, adjust these according to your installation setting.

Take care with the log file settings: Here you must enter the path and filename of the logfile. If you only enter the path of the logfile, access to the ILIAS site will fail (empfty pages or redirection messages). Under some circumstances setup accepts and saves false settings here without messages.


ILIAS uses some tools provided by your system distribution. If PHP is allowed to access those binaries directly, you can enter the standard paths in the following sections.

debian jessie and newer versions of ubuntu do not include ffmpeg in their standard reporitories. If you installed libav-tools instead of ffmpeg, unse the avconv command instead of ffmpeg or create a symlink named ffmpeg which points to avconv


Alternatively, to enhance system security, you can create a separate directory for these tools (in this example /srv/cgi-php as described in the "ILIAS Installation" chapter). Copy them to this directory (depending on your security configuration, symlinks won't work) and adjust the settings as shown in this second example screen.
You have to take care of these binaries after system updates, since the copies arne't updated automatically. If you dont update the copies, some ILIAS functions like uploading of zipped files, creation of export files or images in test question will fail sooner or later.


Ilias requires you to enter a master password. This password gives you setup-access to all clients your ILIAS service supplies, so carefully choose and backup this password.


Save your data. Now you can create the first ILIAS client.

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