Installation and Maintenance
Installing PEAR libraries without a Shell
Assuming that you have no SSH shell access on your server or that you are using a simple webspace provider where you cannot access the original location of the PEAR library, there is another way to provide you with the PEAR classes you need for your ILIAS installation:
Download the installation script from Attention: This is a text file which you can simply open with your webbrowser an then "save as" it somewhere in your local folder.
Rename the file to pear.php
Upload the file with a ftp client of your choice to your webserver (into a directory which is capable to execute PHP using the webbrowser) and change the file permissions to 777 (read, write, execute for all users).
Make sure that the directory where you uploaded the pear.php script is writeable for your webserver (the script needs to create files and directories during the installation).
Run the script using http://your-domain.xx/your-webfolder/pear.php and click on the "Next >>" link.
TIP: If you cannot extend the include path of the PHP-Installation on your web server (which may be possible if you don't have shell access), the best solution for you is to set the PHP code directory ($php_dir) option (third option on the configuration page) to the filesystem path of your ILIAS installation, appended by the directory "pear". ILIAS automatically checks for the PEAR libraries in its pear-Subdirectory when the libraries are not in the PHP include path. If the filesystem path for your ILIAS installation is /opt/ilias/www/htdocs/ilias3 for example, you should add /opt/ilias/www/htdocs/ilias3/pear as PHP code directory.
If you decide to do it this way, you may omit step 16 of this installation instruction.PEAR installation configuration pageLeave the HTTP Proxy text field empty because you want the PEAR classes loaded directly from the server.
Check the Installation prefix to be consistent with the path to the intended PEAR directory on your server (most webspace providers give you detailed information how to assemble the path to your webspace locations).
Change "$php_dir" in the "Documentation base directory" with "$prefix".
Change "$php_dir" with "$prefix" in the text fields "Data base directory", "Tests base directory " and "PEAR Installer cache directory " too.
Add "$prefix" to the text field "php.exe path, optional (CLI command tools)".
Press the "Install" button.
The installation will take some time and may even fail. This is usually not a problem. Just click the back button of your webbrowser and continue the installation. The installation is finished, if you see the link "Start Web Frontend of the PEAR Installer >>" in the last line of the page. Click on that link to start the web frontend.
Installation progressYou are now located in the "Package Management". Click on the link "Configuration" to make final configuration changes.
ATTENTION! Delete the installation script from your webserver and optionally secure the installation directory with a .htaccess file to prevent unauthorized access to your PEAR web frontend.
You can now use the "Package Management" to install the libraries and extensions you need by clicking the green plus sign of the required package.
To use PEAR in your own PHP scripts, you have to add the path of your PEAR library to the PHP include path. This is usually done in the php.ini file in the variable include_path:
include_path = ".:/path-to-your-webspace/path-to-your-pear-folder"
Check the documentation of your webspace provider to find out how you can extend the PHP include path on your webspace.
For further comments, questions or error reports please contact Helmut Schottmüller (helmut.schottmueller _AT_