Installation and Maintenance
ILIAS mobile skin (optional)
The ILIAS mobile skin is maintained by Studer+Raimann from Suisse. The Plugin allows the manual and automatic switch of the Ilias appearance to the mobile or a standard skin.
The components of the mobile skin can be downloaded as zip archives from the ILIAS website or pulled from the svn repository at
To install use the following steps on the console of your operating system:
create the necessary directories for the skin and plugin
change to your ilias installation directory and issue
mkdir -p Customizing/global/plugins/Services/UIComponent/UserInterfaceHook/SkinTransformer
mkdir -p Customizing/global/skin/mobile
pull the plugin and skin from the svn, locations are:
If your ILIAS version is below 4.3 omit the "_43" in the names.
The locations of the plugins are externally maintained, so the actual path in the repository may vary slightly.
Updates can be installed as usual useing the svn up command for these directories
After that, login to your Ilias installation as an administrator, go to administration-Plugins and activate the mobile plugin. You will need to update the plugin.