Installation and Maintenance

Install ILIAS

To gain an easy access to updates of the ILIAS-core, ILIAS can be installed from the svn-repository at or from github (htps:// To prepare, create the /srv/www directory

mkdir /srv/www

file ownership will be set at a later step.
If your system works behind an internet proxy, some configuration is needed again. Edit /etc/subversion/servers, section global:


To configure git use a command like
git config --global http-proxy 'youtproxy.yourdomain:proxyport'

Now pull the repository content

cd /srv/www
svn co ilias
git clone ilias

Usually you should use a stable branch for installation and update, for new versions you can use the trunk instead.
If you use the trunk, don't forget to switch to a stable branch as soon as it is available. The procedure is described later in this module.
To update the code lateron change to the ilias directory and issue the command

svn up
git pull

For more steps required to update the system, read the "update" chapter.
To change the svn source to a branch or back to the trunk, use (from the same directory)

svn switch (name of new source)
git checkout (name of new branch)

create a drectory for data that is stored out of the www-root and a directory for some binaries used by ilias. Change the ownership to www-data:

mkdir /srv/iliasdata
mkdir /srv/cgi-php
chown -R www-data:www-data /srv/iliasdata /srv/cgi-php /srv/www/ilias

The following binaries were copied to the cgi- directory:

cp /usr/bin/htmldoc /srv/cgi-php
cp /usr/bin/convert /srv/cgi-php
cp /usr/bin/ffmpeg /srvcgi-php
cp /usr/bin/zip /srv/cgi-php/zip
cp /usr/bin/unzip /srv/cgi-php/unzip
cp /usr/bin/java /srv/cgi-php

In newer versions of debian use avconv instead of ffmpeg!

To have reguar updates of these files when updatig the base-system, a cron-job would be neat

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