Installation and Maintenance

ILIAS presents only a white page when being accessed

White pages have most probably one of these causes:
  • An error occurs within ILIAS, but you have disabled PHP error reporting on the screen. Please check your php.ini, especially the settting "display_errors". Set this to "On" and restart your web server. If you do not want to display errors on screen in this case, please check the logging settings and your server logs. Once you have the error message report it in our bug tracker.
  • A second reason can be a web server crash like Apache segmentation faults. These are usually listed in your server log. These kind of problems are PHP/Apache bugs not ILIAS bugs. Try to switch to a more stable configuration in this case.
  • Customized Skin/Template issues: If you are using a customized skin try to disable it and check whether the problem still occurs. If not, you have an error in one of your customized "tpl...html" files, usually a missing block. Please compare your customized template files, one by one, with the original ILIAS files and check, whether any of the originals contains blocks, that do not appear in your file. A second option is to activate the ILIAS developer mode by adding DEVMODE = "1" to the [system] block in your client.ini.php file. If activated, this mode will report missing blocks on screen.
  • ILIAS standard Skin/Template issue: The previous issue could also arise within ILIAS standard templates. Please activate the ILIAS developer mode by adding DEVMODE = "1" to the [system] block in your client.ini.php file. If activated, this mode will report missing blocks on screen.
  • ILIAS produces no output and no error message is produced. These are very rare cases, please make sure that error reporting is not just disabled (case 1). If not, open a bug report in our bug tracker bug tracker and provide the list of steps that are necessary to reproduce your bug.
  • An error occurs within ILIAS and you got a short message with an error code. ILIAS wrote the exception message in an extra log file. Now you have two opportunities.
    • As ILIAS Administrator
      1. Notice the error code. This is the same as logfile is named.
      2. Have a look in "Administration > Logging > Error logging settings" for the logfile directory.
      3. Open the directory, have a look on the logfile and report the error message in our bug tracker.
      4. If you do not have access on the directory, ask a systemadministrator for the logfile.
    • As ILIAS User
      1. Notice the error code and send it to an ILIAS administrator.
      2. Maybe the error message includes an e-mail address. Click on it, if you want to send the code via mail to the condigured recipient.

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