Installation and Maintenance
Installation on Mac OS X with MAMP 1.7
1. Introduction
Using MAMP avoids a time consuming installation that requires manually compilation of all libraries and modules that are needed for running ILIAS 3.x and 4.x. The MAMP package is an easy way of installing Apache, PHP and MySQL.
2. Preliminaries
Download the zip package from the homepage of the MAMP project at
This procedure has been tested under Mac OS X 10.4.7. If you try it with another systems, please let us know how it ran (MAMP runs on Mac OS X 10.3 or higher).
3. Installation Procedure
Once you have your latest package of MAMP, extract it and double click on the extracted dmg image. Move the MAMP folder to you applications folder.
Contents of the MAMP dmg image fileTo start, stop and configure the MAMP servers, just open the MAMP application in the MAMP directory. The MAMP application opens a configuration website in your default browser where you can configure the servers using PHPMyAdmin and other configuration software. To make the MySQL server run with ILIAS please open the Preferences in the MAMP application, select the Ports tab and set the MySQL port to the default port 3306. Leave the Apache port at 8888 so it can coexist with the Apache 1.3 server which is installed by default in Mac OS X. Be sure that you don't have another MySQL server running at Port 3306, otherwise this won't work!
MAMP port selectorRestart the servers after changing the ports.
If you don't want to use the default MySQL passwords for your ILIAS installation please create another MySQL user according to the MySQL documentation. You may use the PHPMyAdmin tool in the MAMP configuration at http://localhost:8888/MAMP/.
Download and extract your latest ilias package to /Applications/MAMP/htdocs:
root~# cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs
root~# tar xvfz $foo/ilias-4.1.2.tar.gz
where $foo is the location of your downloaded package.Create the data directory outside the web directory for the ilias setup:
root~# mkdir /Applications/MAMP/data
You may also create this directory with the finder if you don't want to use a terminal.To run the ILIAS setup [1] successfully you must install the required PEAR libraries. To do so, please open a terminal window and change to the
directory. In the directory type at least the following commands:root~# ./pear install HTML_Template_IT
root~# ./pear install MDB2
root~# ./pear install MDB2#mysql
root~# ./pear install Auth
root~# ./pear install Net_URL
root~# ./pear install Net_Socket
root~# ./pear install HTTP_Request
root~# ./pear install XML_RPC
The Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer module is needed for exports to Microsoft Excel files
which could be used in Test & Assessment, Survey and User Administration.
The Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer module is still a "beta" state module which means that
you must change the preferred state of the PEAR library to beta for the installation process.
To set the preferred state from "stable" to "beta" enter:root~# ./pear config-set preferred_state beta
Then you can install the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer module withroot~# ./pear install --alldeps Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
which also installs the depended module OLE using the --alldeps switch.
To set your preferred PEAR state back to "stable" enterroot~# ./pear config-set preferred_state stable
Restart the apache webserverDuring the setup third-party software is needed by ILIAS (ImageMagick convert, zip, unzip, htmldoc, java, etc...) be sure that you have it installed on your Mac to proceed the basic settings setup without problems.
Zip and unzip should be already installed in
. Binary releases for ImageMagick could be retrieved from at or as installation package from the Entropy website at you can launch your browser to start the ILIAS setup. With our changed installation of MAMP, the web server runs on Port 8888 and the database server runs on Port 3306. To start the ILIAS setup, just enter
and follow the installation instructions. Please enter the following paths:Path to Data Directory:
(check create)Path to log file:
- Path convert:
- Path zip:/usr/bin/zip
- Path unzip:/usr/bin/unzip
- Path java:/usr/bin/java
- Path htmldoc:/usr/bin/htmldoc
The above paths depend on your installation. HTMLDoc is optional and not required. ImageMagick convert is strongly recommended. It is needed to scale images in learning modules and in the Test & Assessment system.
After finishing the setup you may log in using the default account root with the default password homer
For further comments, questions or error reports please contact Helmut Schottmüller (helmut.schottmueller _AT_