Download & Releases

8.13 (stable)

General Information

Release 8.13 has been published on June 25, 2024

  • Please read the ILIAS 8 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
  • You find information about first time installation of ILIAS 8 and updating here.
  • Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 8 page.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Download (
212 MB, 2024-06-25
md5: 827c4f1f54f46098f02e0e08fd09c977

Download (
195 MB, 2024-06-25
md5: fed9bca0886ceacd2ac54a7bc0a1f80d

Important Changes

  • Services/PDFGeneration
  • Plugins
    • Plugins which provide a configuration screen must add an explicit `ilCtrl` directive in the PHPDoc comments of the `il*ConfigGUI` class.
      • Example:
        • /**
           * @ilCtrl_IsCalledBy ilMyPluginConfigGUI: ilObjComponentSettingsGUI
          class ilMyPluginConfigGUI extends ilPluginConfigGUI
              // Code ...
    • Many public methods of class `ilPluginAdmin` (often considered as public API of the component service in ILIAS by developers) were removed. The class itself is marked as deprecated and will be removed in future ILIAS releases. Plugin developers should use `ilComponentRepository` and `ilComponentFactory` instead. Implementations of these interfaces can be retrieved from the dependency injection container ($DIC["component.repository"] and $DIC["component.factory"]).
    • Please always execute a `composer du` command if you put a new plugin into the plugin directories in your filesystem or if you applied any changes to your `plugin.php`. Otherwise the plugin will not be listed in the global ILIAS plugin administration or may cause other problems.
  • Workflow Engine
    • Due to low demand and security issues, we removed the workflow engine with 7.23 and 8.3
  • OpenIDConnect
  • SAML

Known Issues

  • none

Changed Behaviour

Security Fixes

#41409: [PDF] PDF Generation: OS Command Injection Vulnerability (Rene Rehme (rehme.infosec))
#40214: [UI Components] Tag fields susceptible to XSS (Rene Rehme (rehme.infosec))
#41229: [Poll] Poll: XSS via import file (Ilja Lukin (Fachhochschule Dortmund))
#40973: [Data Collection] Data Collection: XSS via import file (Ilja Lukin (Fachhochschule Dortmund))
#40996 No Output Escaping of Title on Timings View

Fixed Issues

The following issues reported in Mantis have been resolved:

#41488: [Administration] Trash filter option "type" can't properly show Types of objects created with a RepositoryObject-Plugin (akill)
#26706: [Calendar] Consulation hours which are assigned to a course can be booked by non-members too (smeyer)
#41185: [Calendar] Consultation hour is not only shown in group but also in course above the group (smeyer)
#41428: [Calendar] _isFileInline function does not exist anmyore (tschmitz)
#37813: [Category and Repository] Category filter does not find ECS resources within category (smeyer)
#41521: [Competence Management] Competence Profiles in Administration throw error (tfamula)
#31437: [Course Management] if not owner: copy via manage fails when plugin involved (akill)
#33918: [Course Management] Global Setting "Breadcrumb starts with course" deactivated -> setting in course is available (smeyer)
#37236: [Course Management] Timeline in courses bypasses start objects (akill)
#39728: [Course Management] Timeline: word wrapping doesn't work (akill)
#41200: [Course Management] Courslink in Favourites leads to php8 error (smeyer)
#41311: [Course Management] sortation of Passed Status Changed in member list is useless (smeyer)
#41421: [Course Management] Kursexport -> Anzeige der Objekt-ID in den Metadaten der Kurskopie nach einem Kursimport nicht aktualisiert (tschmitz)
#41469: [Course Management] Irritating div class "alert-danger" (KS: "Message Box > Failure") (smeyer)
#41534: [Course Management] "Offline" label doesn't immediately react to changed settings (smeyer)
#37793: [Data Collection] Updating data collection entry with required file upload not possible as long as file upload /  isn't added again (iszmais)
#41411: [Data Collection] Switching from one table entry to another via a reference field fails (see 0026240) (iszmais)
#41422: [Data Collection] Import problems: Values in fields of type reference are deleted during import (iszmais)
#41490: [Data Collection] "Link to detailed view" can not be deactivated on text fields (iszmais)
#41496: [Data Collection] Downloaded file has no file extension (iszmais)
#41456: [File] ilObjFile fix type issues (fschmid)
#41461: [ILIAS Page Editor] Filelist in IPE does not show size of file(s) and File Extensions (akill)
#37724: [Imprint] Page editor of imprint / legal notice doesn't allow creating internal links anymore (iszmais)
#40087: [Language Handling] Kurs: neue, eigene Lang Var für Einstellungen - Personenb. Angaben - Tabellenüberschrift (smeyer)
#41578: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Import fails with Undefined array key (akill)
#41401: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Druckansicht im Lernmodul mit Einbinden eines Inhaltsbausteins führt zum Fehler (akill)
#39702: [Legal Documents, Terms of Service and Data Protection] Terms of Service and Anonymous (lscharmer)
#41348: [Logging] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: str_pad(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, int given in (smeyer)
#33768: [Login, Auth & Registration] setting "maximum login attempts" is not taken into account after user re-activation in User Management (PerPascalSeeland)
#41012: [Login, Auth & Registration] Empty "Other" section appears in registration form (skergomard)
#32410: [Metadata + ADT] Export > Import of Advanced Metadata loses some data (tschmitz)
#36678: [Metadata + ADT] Speichern von Metadaten: ilMDLanguageItem::__construct(): Argument #1 ($a_code) must be of type string (smeyer)
#37217: [Metadata + ADT] AdvancedMetaData: Options provided for select field in a ilAdvancedMDClaimingPlugin impl. not created (smeyer)
#41450: [Personal Profile] settings are not saved when portfolio as profile (skergomard)
#39338: [Poll] Search/Poll: Presentation of search results crashes with PHP error (smeyer)
#35275: [Search] Failed test: Filter by creation date (smeyer)
#37785: [Search] Search does not show the correct suggestions (smeyer)
#37802: [Search] Impossible to Move/Link objects from Search: Tree will not load (smeyer)
#31657: [Session (Course & Group)] Difficulties with material assignment when session is in subfolder (tschmitz)
#36691: [Session (Course & Group)] Sitzungen nicht voneinander zu unterscheiden (akill)
#41568: [Session (Course & Group)] CSV export of participants always reports status as "not participated" (smeyer)
#29813: [Statistics and Learning Progress] Failed test: Lernfortschritt im Kurs deaktivieren (tschmitz)
#31900: [Statistics and Learning Progress] Inconsistencies in availability of LP columns/filters depending on global settings (tschmitz)
#37420: [Test & Assessment] Auto-activation of any added subTab (ta-bugs)
#40641: [Test & Assessment] Greater-than/Less-than signs rendered as HTML entities in heading of 'Print View' and 'Review' after import of test (okaufmann)
#41172: [Test & Assessment] Filter Teilnehmer > Teilnehmer mit/ohne Antworten funktioniert nicht (tjoussen)
#41214: [Test & Assessment] File Upload Question: Upload of SVG file with embedded pixel image as answer results in crash (tjoussen)
#41349: [Test & Assessment] Test Question Pool: Opening Tab throws error message (tjoussen)
#41482: [Test & Assessment] Test with Gamification throws error (skergomard)
#41486: [¥ Object] Under some circumstances, object lists cannot be displayes dan produce errors (skergomard)
#41495: [¥ Object] Objects created with a RepositoryObject-Plugin show no icon in "tile view" (skergomard)