Download & Releases
8.6 (stable)
General Information
Release 8.6 has been published on October 23, 2023
- Please read the ILIAS 8 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
- You find information about first time installation of ILIAS 8 and updating here.
- Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 8 page.
ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Download ( MB, 2023-10-23
md5: d878fe85c88901396b0bbd6de7a41b8d
Download ( MB, 2023-10-23
md5: ecd6ea4c33ae2b47b82599d1037b2f84
Important Changes
- Services/PDFGeneration
- Since the development for wkhtmltopdf has stopped and the consumer for the service are regressive, the jour Fixe decided to deprecate the PDFGeneration Service with ILIAS 8 and to remove this service with ILIAS 9
- Plugins
- Plugins which provide a configuration screen must add an explicit `ilCtrl` directive in the PHPDoc comments of the `il*ConfigGUI` class.
- Example:
- /**
* @ilCtrl_IsCalledBy ilMyPluginConfigGUI: ilObjComponentSettingsGUI
class ilMyPluginConfigGUI extends ilPluginConfigGUI
// Code ...
- /**
- Example:
- Many public methods of class `ilPluginAdmin` (often considered as public API of the component service in ILIAS by developers) were removed. The class itself is marked as deprecated and will be removed in future ILIAS releases. Plugin developers should use `ilComponentRepository` and `ilComponentFactory` instead. Implementations of these interfaces can be retrieved from the dependency injection container ($DIC["component.repository"] and $DIC["component.factory"]).
- Please always execute a `composer du` command if you put a new plugin into the plugin directories in your filesystem or if you applied any changes to your `plugin.php`. Otherwise the plugin will not be listed in the global ILIAS plugin administration or may cause other problems.
- Plugins which provide a configuration screen must add an explicit `ilCtrl` directive in the PHPDoc comments of the `il*ConfigGUI` class.
- Workflow Engine
- Due to low demand and security issues, we removed the workflow engine with 7.23 and 8.3
- OpenIDConnect
- We switched the implementation from the "Implicit Flow" (e.g. because of to the "Authorization Code Flow".
- Copyright
- To resolve an issue with editing copyright entries in the Administration (see 36692), it is necessary to migrate existing entries to a new format compatible with the Kitchen Sink. To do so, please run:
> php setup/cli.php migrate --run md.ilMDCopyrightMigration
- Without this migration, existing copyright entries are not shown on info screens, etc. The assignment of copyright entries to ILIAS objects is entirely unaffected.
- Note that the migration might not be entirely lossless for entries that were edited or created manually, and whose format significantly differs from that of the entries that are supplied with ILIAS. Please carefully check your copyright entries after the migration.
- To resolve an issue with editing copyright entries in the Administration (see 36692), it is necessary to migrate existing entries to a new format compatible with the Kitchen Sink. To do so, please run:
Known Issues
- none
Changed Behaviour
- See changes concerning uploading ZIPs and unzipping here: Drag&Drop Files in Container Objects
- The visibility of the user administration has been adjusted. For a read-only access, the permission "Read" and no longer "Read Access to User Accounts" is used. Mantis 37269
Security Fixes
#38226: [Exercise] Exercise: Local File Inclusion/Rename (CVE-2023-45868) (Rene Rehme, rehme.infosec)
#28626: [General] Prevent some alternative php-suffixes from upload and unzipping
#37930: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Remote code execution via zip upload (Armin Stock)
#38188: [Test & Assessment] Editing taxonomies is possible on a question pool that is online, but to which the user has only read and/or view access
#37995: [RBAC] RBAC: Fix permission check to add users to the admin role in role settings when admin role is protected
#32836: [General] Reauthentication required to Change E-Mail (Julien Richard, BCK Security Inc.)
Fixed Issues
The following issues reported in Mantis have been resolved:
#36583: [Administration] Explanatory Text #usr_settings_explanation_profile# should appear as blue info message (skergomard)
#37747: [Administration] Calendar -> (smeyer)
#37909: [Administration] Termin-Reservierung stornieren ist nicht möglich (akill)
#38159: [Administration] Role Assignment in Local User Administration can not be started (akill)
#37952: [Blog] Duplicate Page Titles (akill)
#38140: [Booking Tool] Buchungspool: User kann eigene Buchung nicht mehr stornieren (nur der Admin) (akill)
#38012: [Calendar] Updating a course title with >= 128 characters leads to database exception. (smeyer)
#38027: [Calendar] Calenader: Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message Object of class ilDateTime could not be converted to int (smeyer)
#36124: [Course Management] Bylines "Start" und Ende" fehlen unter dem Date-Time-Picker (smeyer)
#36298: [Course Management] crs_info_reg_confirmation - wrong byline text: Beitritt in GRUPPE statt in KURS (tschmitz)
#37472: [Course Management] Certificates - Error with missing is_array by changing to "Direct" (smeyer)
#37627: [Course Management] Waiting List: Even With Free Places Users Get Info That Maximum Number is Reached (skergomard)
#37886: [Course Management] Kurskopiervorgang schlägt fehl (Jephte)
#37988: [Course Management] PHP8 compatibility issue - courseParticipants::getDateTimeOfPassed (smeyer)
#38142: [Course Management] Kurs-Kopie kann nicht geöffnet werden (akill)
#38053: [Cron Service] Database Exception if cron job result message is > 400 characters (mjansen)
#35194: [Didactic Templates] Löschen einer Sprache der Übersetzungen des Titels eines didaktischen Templates (akill)
#38194: [Employee Talk] Change date of talk: the End date and time are shown incorrect. (tschmitz)
#37890: [Exercise] Clicking on emailed permalinks to Exercises leads to an error (akill)
#37976: [Exercise] Der Menüpunkt "Abgaben und Noten" wirft einen Fehler (akill)
#37955: [Group] Member tab crashes with: "Argument 1 passed to ilParticipants::isNotificationEnabled() must be of the type int, string given" (tschmitz)
#37962: [Group] Import for export file leads to error message (tschmitz)
#38177: [Group] Reiter "Mitglieder" in einem Ilias-Kurs wirft sofort Fehler (tschmitz)
#37790: [ILIAS Page Editor] Die Inhalte von Seitenlisten werden im Seitenverlauf einer Seite nicht angezeigt (akill)
#38003: [ILIAS Page Editor] PageEditor/Forum: Trying to edit a page in the forum leads to PHP error (akill)
#38047: [ILIAS Page Editor] Error shows up trying to edit a block in an imported wiki (akill)
#37958: [Item Groups] Cannot rename item groups (akill)
#38115: [Language Handling] Language Variables of Plugins can not be Edited via Administration (mkunkel)
#38116: [Language Handling] Imported Language Variables of a Plugin Get Lost After Clicking "Refresh Languages" (kg)
#38185: [Language Handling] Laguage Variables of a Plugin do not Get Updated After Changing Lang-Files in Code (kg)
#34306: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Useability: To many clicks to get to LM-Settings or Chapters (akill)
#37940: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] PHP 8.0: Fehlerhafte downloadFile-Links (akill)
#38217: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Beim Navigieren in einem Kurs kommt es in bestimmten Fällen zu einem Fehler (akill)
#38025: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] SCORM: PHP error when executing ilObjSCORMTracking::checkIfAllowed (ukohnle)
#37887: [Login, Auth & Registration] User with many firstnames is unable to login (skergomard)
#37969: [Login, Auth & Registration] LDAP Pagination does only return last page (mjansen)
#23103: [LTI] Usability Issue: LTI Create Consumer Form (ukohnle)
#29918: [LTI] LTI Consumer: missing explanatory label for "prefix" setting (usability) (ukohnle)
#35438: [LTI] LTI: Missing language variables in Option 2: Create Own Settings for Tool with Dynamic Registration (LTI 1.3) (ukohnle)
#37992: [LTI] LTI 1.3 Dynamic Registration not working (ukohnle)
#38016: [LTI] nach dem Löschen des consumer auf ilias8 Instanz (Provider) , sind die Daten auf den Datenbank nicht gelöscht worden sind (ukohnle)
#38076: [LTI] "anonymous" LTI connection (1.0) not working after update to V8 (ukohnle)
#38259: [Mail] Typed property ilFileDataMail::$ilias must not be accessed before initialization (mjansen)
#37983: [Main Menu] new main menu entry - always status "lost" (fschmid)
#37803: [MathJax] Frequent errors in ILIAS log »Duplicate entry 'MathJax-dummy' for key 'PRIMARY« (fneumann)
#37703: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Untertitel in Deutsch funktionieren nicht, andere Sprachen schon (akill)
#36242: [Metadata + ADT] T56901 Test Failed: 'Migration of deleted options' appears when merely moving selection list metadata options. (smeyer)
#36680: [Metadata + ADT] Einstellung einer Copyright-Vorgabe zeigt Usage nicht (tschmitz)
#36692: [Metadata + ADT] Metadata information broken after editing (tschmitz)
#38062: [Metadata + ADT] ADT/Metadata: \ilADTFloatSearchBridgeSingle::addToForm populates ilNumberInputGUI with float|int, but string is exptected (smeyer)
#38304: [Metadata + ADT] Cannot change title of existing metadata entry (smeyer)
#37853: [News] ilNewsItem::determineNewsTitle() must be of the type string, null given (akill)
#38089: [News] Item counter in News not cut off as expected, shows thousands of entries (akill)
#27097: [Poll] offline Poll available for Anonymous (tschmitz)
#34937: [Portfolio] Überrest von "Abandon HTML/Javascript in Page Editor Text Paragraphs" (akill)
#37069: [Search] Erweiterte Suche aufrufen (tschmitz)
#37884: [Search] Search leads to error (akill)
#37286: [Setup] Database port setting in the json file breaks initial ILIAS setup (fschmid)
#38233: [SOAP & Webservices] SOAP:getUsersForRole > Typed property ilUserXMLWriter::$settings must not be accessed before initialization (skergomard)
#37965: [Staff] Database Exception with MySQL 8.x (tfamula)
#38061: [Staff] Error - Klick on Menu Course Memberships (tfamula)
#35455: [Statistics and Learning Progress] Failed test: Details zu Teilnehmern in Gesamtbericht "Benutzer" anzeigen (tschmitz)
#37973: [Statistics and Learning Progress] Deleting a bunch of categories and exercises throws error (fwolf)
#37810: [Style – Content Style] Saving in hover effect mode causes all stylings to be lost (akill)
#38143: [Style – Content Style] TypeError tin Return value of ilObjStyleSheet::lookupTemplatePreview() must be of the type string, null returned (akill)
#36245: [Survey] wrong icon for compulsory questions in surveys (akill)
#37880: [Survey] Cronjob "Benutzer an Teilnahme erinnern" wirft Fehler (akill)
#26823: [Test & Assessment] Dashboard (PLR) vs Dashboard (T&A) (mkunkel)
#33296: [Test & Assessment] Add from Pool - Tab (maxbecker)
#37233: [Test & Assessment] Test: \ilTagInputGUI accesses $_POST as an array, but it is a ArrayAccess instance (nhaagen)
#38107: [Test & Assessment] Import Test Export File from a Random Test leads to Error (fhelfer)
#38109: [Test & Assessment] Wenn es obligatorische Fragen in einem Test gibt, wird ein Fehler geworfen und der Test nicht geöffnet (skergomard)
#38155: [Test & Assessment] Frage eines Test kann nicht geöffnet (skergomard)
#38161: [Test & Assessment] TA: "Finish all Test Passes" does not show error message (skergomard)
#38246: [Test & Assessment] Titel of Non-Derived Question Pools in Random Question Set Empty (skergomard)
#34587: [User Service] User/Avatar: TypeError thrown with message "Cannot assign null to property ilUserAvatarResolver::$firstname of type string" (skergomard)
#38114: [User Service] PHP8: TypeError thrown with message "ilUserQuery::setUserFilter(): Argument #1 ($a_filter) must be of type array, null given (skergomard)
#38028: [User Tracking] Cannot open certificate administration (smeyer)
#38046: [Weblink] Sorting can't be saved when < 10 (tschmitz)
#37863: [Wiki] Zuletzt besuchte Seite (akill)
#38014: [Wiki] Several central keywords cannot be searched (akill)
#38174: [Wiki] Sprachauswahl in Präsentationsansicht erst ab drei Sprachen möglich (akill)
#37994: [¥ Object] Copying large container objects fails (akill)
#37908: [¥ Tree] Der Menüpunkt "Rechte" wirft einen Fehler (fwolf)
#38102: [¥ Tree] Bei der Bearbeitung der Rechtevorgaben kommt es in manchen Fällen zu einem Fehler (fwolf)
#34366: [¥ UI Components / KS] Title of table ilTable2GUI are shown as "Links" (akill)
#37648: [¥ Web Access Checker] WAC: Missing exception message for ilWACException::ACCESS_DENIED_NO_LOGIN (fschmid)
#38042: [¥ Web Access Checker] Frequent errors in ILIAS log "Wrong parameters for ilWACException" Error message seems to be null instead of string (fschmid)