Download & Releases
5.4.24 (stable)
Release 5.4.24 has been published on October 13, 2021
- Please read the ILIAS 5.4 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
- You find information about first time installation here.
- Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found here.
- Please have a look at the page Required Software for 5.4, too.
If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.4.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.
ILIAS 5.4 comes with a new content style that substitutes the former content style. If you want to keep this outdated style, please create a new style with it before updating to 5.4. Own created styles won't be tackled.
ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
Download ( MB, 2021-10-13
md5: f98e844c49f84546175a00cf22c26b3d
<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
Download ( MB, 2021-10-13
md5: f3cfc7f3167de4476d09d0e84fb97286
Known Issues
- none
Fixed Issues
The following issues reported in Mantis have been resolved:
#31137: [Administration] Critical Error when using user defined fields as optional filters in user management (mbarz)
#21588: [Calendar] Import ics-file (smeyer)
#24258: [File] PDF with Umlaut-title in file liste of imported learning module can not be found (fschmid)
#26252: [File] Problembehandlung beim Upload von nicht zulässigen Dateitypen erkennen (fschmid)
#30497: [File] WebAccessChecker: Possible bug in \ilWACSignedPath::isFolderSigned ? (fschmid)
#28147: [File] ilObjFile: error message not language specific (fschmid)
#28419: [File] Keine Anzeige des Datei-Element im Magazin, wenn Enddatum nicht gesetzt (fschmid)
#28805: [Membership] Daily Group Notification Mail: Exception: Argument 3 passed (akill)
#31157: [Poll] Uploaded ICON-Image in Poll will not be displayed (akill)
#31477: [Poll] Poll Question images are not resized (smeyer)
#30862: [Portfolio] Internal links in porfolio re-direct always to start page (akill)
#28831: [Statistics and Learning Progress] Learning Progress Performance -> SCORM (ukohnle)
#31012: [Test & Assessment] Save Manual Scoring leads to (not shown) error, Modal fails closing (maxbecker)
#25850: [Test & Assessment] Manual scoring of essay question with many participants is slow and sometimes fails (maxbecker)
#31338: [¥ Web Access Checker] WAC: HTTP_REFERER based 'On login page' detection does not always work (fschmid)
#31392: [¥ Web Access Checker] WAC/LoginPage: Requests denied on login page after logout (fschmid)
#31353: [¥ Web Access Checker] WAC blocks images of custom content styles on login page (fschmid)