Download & Releases

5.4.11 (stable)

Release 5.4.11 has been published on April 24, 2020

  • Please read the ILIAS 5.4 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
  • You find information about first time installation here.
  • Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found here.
  • Please have a look at the page Required Software for 5.4, too.

If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.4.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.

ILIAS 5.4 comes with a new content style that substitutes the former content style. If you want to keep this outdated style, please create a new style with it before updating to 5.4. Own created styles won't be tackled.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
Download (
195 MB, 2020-04-24
md5: 9d79479736839ff0f504de85e06e1c45

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
Download (
179 MB, 2020-04-24
md5: 0f78a4baab9320d432f957d04c9b14d3 

Known Issues

  • none

Fixed Bugs

The following bugs reported in Mantis have been resolved:

Security Fixes

  • Removes possible point of attack for brutforce attacks.

#28178: [Category and Repository] Pasting items from workspace (akill)
#26417: [Wiki] Wiki: Print view doesn't work if a wiki page contains Latex code (akill)
#27762: [Content Page (Repository Object)] Wrong Reference for Internal Links on Content Page in Learning Sequence (akill)
#28174: [Chat] Scroll to Bottom Setting has no Effect (mjansen)
#26162: [ILIAS Page Editor] USAGE listing for SNIPPET objects (akill)
#26233: [File] SOAP/File: "addFile" with mode "PLAIN" (according to ./ilias_file_4_4.xsd) does not work anymore (fschmid)
#27333: [¥ UI Components / KS] Highlight of current page is not shown in large courses (akill)
#28123: [ILIAS Page Editor] Automatic hierarchical nummeration of headlines broken (akill)
#28120: [Forum] Forum: Orphaned source thread root node after merging two threads (mjansen)
#28115: [Forum] Forum: Changing title of thread is not reflected in root node of the tree in the main bar tool slate (nadia)
#28119: [Forum] Forum: Notifications not correctly merge (nadia)
#28110: [Forum] Forum: Wrong subject after merging threads (nadia)
#28100: [Metadata + ADT] Failed test: Benutzerdefinierte Metadatensätze sortieren (smeyer)
#28101: [Certificate] Certificate: Error thrown with message "Class 'ilTestPlaceHolderValues' not found" (mjansen)
#26038: [Data Collection] Auf Kundeninstallation Fehler beim Excel-Import (ttruffer)
#24297: [Mail] Mail: Filter mit Wildcard verwenden (smeyer)
#25763: [Mail] Mails: filter for text-search (Lucene-search) doesn't work correctly (smeyer)
#28084: [Mail] Lucene Mail-Filter: Absender (mjansen)
#27938: [Category and Repository] PRG is nogt supported as target in the CopyToList (smeyer)
#24304: [Course Management] Timings View: some parts/titles are not yet named (smeyer)
#28038: [Calendar] Download gezippter Dateien via Kalender: führt zu einer Fehlermeldung beim Öffnen auf Windows (smeyer)
#27753: [Administration] Some typos in German language file (mkunkel)
#28031: [Survey] Survey: Wrong sender used for system mail when sending codes (akill)
#27378: [Badges] Tests die in Ordner einsortiert sind, werden bei Badges als Course LP nicht gefunden (akill)
#26691: [Category and Repository] Verfügbarkeit von Kategorien und anderen Objekten funktioniert bei fehlendem Ende-Datum nicht (akill)
#27960: [Glossary] html tags are visible in Glossary overview (akill)
#27813: [Login, Auth & Registration] Login after Open ID Connect Login does not redirect (mbarz)
#27937: [Content Page (Repository Object)] Einstellungen der Content Page werden beim Kopieren nicht beibehalten (mjansen)
#27154: [Exercise] Failed test: Übung importieren (akill)
#27668: [Accessibility Service] Formulare sollten einen weißen hintergrund haben (akill)
#27658: [Accessibility Service] Der Kontrast des Seitentitels ist zu gering und somit nicht barrierefrei. (akill)
#27903: [Administration] Starting points break if a role with an active starting point is deleted (akill)
#23904: [Calendar] Time format (am/pm) in day- and week-view (Alexandra)
#27686: [Calendar] Kalender Events nicht editierbar (smeyer)
#27702: [Forum] Automatic notifications don't work for new course members when forum is inside a folder (nadia)
#26331: [Course Management] Description shortened - minor/major bug (akill)
#25783: [File] File Upload of infected file with virus and virusscanner enabled leads to misleading error message and ilias error (rschenk)
#27824: [Exercise] "Liste aller Abgaben" erzeugt Fehler (akill)
#27913: [Wiki] Numbering and naming of headline-text in Page Overview Block is incorrect (akill)