Download & Releases
5.4.9 (stable)
Release 5.4.9 has been published on January 24, 2020
- Please read the ILIAS 5.4 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
- You find information about first time installation here.
- Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found here.
- Please have a look at the page Required Software for 5.4, too.
If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.4.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.
ILIAS 5.4 comes with a new content style that substitutes the former content style. If you want to keep this outdated style, please create a new style with it before updating to 5.4. Own created styles won't be tackled.
ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
Download ( MB, 2020-01-24
md5: d4373f029c80b2edb664be26b1499fd1
<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
Download ( MB, 2020-01-24
md5: aadee5c98f540e8a7b4f40e196f2d981
Known Issues
- none
Fixed Bugs
The following bugs reported in Mantis have been resolved:
#11330: [Administration] Global default style is not used as template when creating a new style (akill)
#26411: [Blog] RSS für Blog fehlt (akill)
#26205: [Category and Repository] Card Title should not be displayed as a button, but as a link. (akill)
#24647: [Category and Repository] LSO icon is big in Adminstration / Repository / Respository object type (akill)
#27147: [Category and Repository] Call to undefined function inside the getTabs() deprecation call (akill)
#26943: [Category and Repository] Error load of async Repository Tree when creating a new object (akill)
#26600: [Certificate] No certificate background image fallback on initial save (mjansen)
#26746: [Certificate] Missing background_image placeholder in certificate template migration (mjansen)
#26745: [Certificate] Doubled Certificate generation on migration (mjansen)
#20935: [Certificate] Sonderzeichen in Benutzerdefinierten Felder werden nicht "maskiert" (mjansen)
#26801: [Chat] Chat shows letter avatar when usernames can be chosen by the user (mjansen)
#27217: [Course Management] Privaciy Settings for Show Members and Participant List in Courses (smeyer)
#26111: [Exercise] Cron job "Reminders for Assignments" sends a mail too early (akill)
#26946: [Exercise] Administration: General Settings: Cron: Reminders for Assignements: Language file (akill)
#26699: [Exercise] Übungsbenachtrichtigung viel zu häufig (akill)
#26550: [Exercise] Peer feedback PHP 7.2 Compatibility Issue? (akill)
#27092: [ILIAS Page Editor] Failed test: Beziehung (smeyer)
#18405: [ILIAS Page Editor] Content template always placed at end of page (akill)
#14350: [ILIAS Page Editor] Stylesheet Editor : missing description text for media query input form (akill)
#26597: [Language Handling] Identifier fold_added (mkunkel)
#25313: [Language Handling] Temparatur > Temperatur (mkunkel)
#17959: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Deactivated chapters are visible on tree (akill)
#26758: [Login, Auth & Registration] SAML with SimpleSAMLphp is broken because of a missing library (mjansen)
#26996: [Main Menu] Empty saving empty translation fields causes a fatal (fschmid)
#27052: [Search] Error when try to search users by "Organisational Units" attribute in "Add members" function to course. (smeyer)
#26798: [Session (Course & Group)] Failed test: Verfügbarkeit des Kurses einstellen (smeyer)
#26482: [Survey] \ilObjSurvey::checkConstraint: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable (akill)
#26237: [Tagging] Load tags async after save has missing lang module (akill)
#26514: [Test & Assessment] Test Questions: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable (ta-bugs)
#26558: [User Service] Incomplete startingpoint list (akill)