Download & Releases
5.4.7 (stable)
Release 5.4.7 has been published on November 15, 2019
- Please read the ILIAS 5.4 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
- You find information about first time installation here.
- Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found here.
- Please have a look at the page Required Software for 5.4, too.
If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.4.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.
ILIAS 5.4 comes with a new content style that substitutes the former content style. If you want to keep this outdated style, please create a new style with it before updating to 5.4. Own created styles won't be tackled.
ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
Download ( MB, 2019-15-11
md5: 3ebd3983775ffdfaa37c8cd572739511
<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
Download ( MB, 2019-15-11
md5: 0cafbd2977b6199c4d846d48b38df0bf
Known Issues
Unfortunately, there is a major issue with file versions in this release. See Mantis.
Please update your system directly via Git to get a patch for this bug or wait for a new release.
Fixed Bugs
Security Fixes
- Fixed an issue which made it possible to delete forum entries of other users through a CSRF attack.
The following bugs reported in Mantis have been resolved:
#25348: [Accessibility] Background Tasks and screenreaders (lzehnder)
#25531: [Accessibility] Filters (mjansen)
#26050: [Bibliographic List Item] Import schlägt fehl (lzehnder)
#26409: [Booking Tool] Assigning multiple participants to objects when schedules are used does not work (akill)
#26150: [Booking Tool] Buchungsobjekt - Befehl "Teilnehmer zuweisen" erzeugt Liste mit nicht ausgewählten Teilnehmern (akill)
#26367: [Booking Tool] participants tab requires "edit_permissions" persmission (akill)
#26052: [Booking Tool] Error on empty cancellation request in BookingPool (akill)
#26368: [Booking Tool] massive db load: too many possible members without reservation selected (akill)
#26206: [Bookmarks] Error when selecting Personal Desktop > Bookmarks (akill)
#26341: [Certificate] Loosing card thumb image of certificates when copy the course (mjansen)
#26242: [Certificate] Missing default background image fallback on certificate preview (mjansen)
#26018: [Exercise] Unintelligible structure in "Download all Sumissions" on Team Upload (akill)
#26414: [File] Dateilisten im Lernmodul , simples einfügen 1 Datei schreibt in U-Ordner 002, auch bei Initialer Version. (fschmid)
#26271: [File] Page Count of new PDF-versions doesn`t update (lzehnder)
#26160: [File] Create new Version , or Replace File => Replace with name without extension => File name extension missing (lzehnder)
#26342: [Forum] personal data of deleted user persists in Forum (mjansen)
#26328: [Glossary] Creating glossary is not possible (akill)
#26303: [Group] Mediaposts in timeline not visible (akill)
#20564: [ILIAS Page Editor] Inconsistency in functionality of text formating buttons (akill)
#26066: [ILIAS Page Editor] Slash in anchor link produces Error (akill)
#26122: [ILIAS Page Editor] Customize Page: Cell styles for data tables are no longer applied (akill)
#20712: [ILIAS Page Editor] Canceling an accordeon edit causes trouble (akill)
#26247: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Chaper occurs in two learning modules (akill)
#26480: [My Workspace] sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable (akill)
#26176: [Survey] Access codes can't be imported (akill)
#24702: [Test & Assessment] When creating a new question, several tabs appear active (bheyser)
#26272: [Test & Assessment] Wrong points calculation in preview of cloze question if gaps are empty (bheyser)
#26238: [Test & Assessment] Keine druckbaren Antworten im Ergebnisse-Tab (bheyser)
#26171: [WebDAV] WebDav Zeitstempel fehlerhaft und keine Dateiversionen (fawinike)