Download & Releases

5.4.6 (stable)

Release 5.4.6 has been published on October 11 2019

  • Please read the ILIAS 5.4 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
  • You find information about first time installation here.
  • Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found here.
  • Please have a look at the page Required Software for 5.4, too.

If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.4.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.

ILIAS 5.4 comes with a new content style that substitutes the former content style. If you want to keep this outdated style, please create a new style with it before updating to 5.4. Own created styles won't be tackled.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
Download (
191 MB, 2019-11-10
md5: 468d180985c1064d9d8917fdbb3a1aa9

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
Download (
176 MB, 2019-11-10
md5: 03700578ef80a53785aa9f9cfb36b5cb

Known Issues

  • none

Changed Behaviour

  • Due to bug 25736, the keyword editing for blog postings is only available from the posting list in the blog editing mode.

Fixed Bugs

The following bugs reported in Mantis have been resolved:

#25706: [Accessibility] Making Mails more accessible (nadia)
#25734: [Badges] Badges » Administration » Custom Icon blows up (akill)
#25735: [Blog] Schlagwörter von Blogposts lassen sich nicht löschen. (lzehnder)
#25736: [Blog] Schlagwörter bearbeiten » beim Navigieren die Übersicht verloren (akill)
#26251: [Calendar] Calendar Appointments in wrong time slots (smeyer)
#24828: [Calendar] Small Calendar: A month is skipped when scrolling through the calendar month (akill)
#25811: [Category and Repository] Files for Tile are not copied together with container or object (akill)
#26069: [Category and Repository] Moving/copying via Clipboard leads to error (with PHP 7.2) (akill)
#25799: [Category and Repository] Limit items per block affects manual sorting (akill)
#25991: [Category and Repository] Cancelling paste from clipboard creates an error (akill)
#26159: [Certificate] Date Parsing Error caused by incomplete type hinting (mjansen)
#26173: [Certificate] Activating certificates in a course throws TypeError (mjansen)
#26119: [Certificate] Wrong Certificate Version Order (mjansen)
#25645: [Competence Management] Switching Tab after Self-Evaluation (akill)
#26127: [Content Page (Repository Object)] insert content snippet link is missing in dropdown (mjansen)
#26085: [Course Management] Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in class.ilTable2GUI.php (akill)
#26034: [ECS Interface] ECS-related error(s) following certain course/group operations? (smeyer)
#25171: [Exercise] Teammitglieder in Übungseinheit nicht korrekt gelistet (akill)
#25172: [Exercise] Bestätigungsmeldung nach dem Einreichen einer Texteingabe fehlerhaft (akill)
#25885: [Exercise] Error when trying to export exercise submissions (with deleted users) (akill)
#25741: [Export] Error occurs while exporting course that conteins SCORM module (ukohnle)
#24649: [File] Upload of a new file version not possible (lzehnder)
#26022: [File] Dateiversionen unbenutzbar (fschmid)
#26007: [File] view 'versions' fails with 'undefined method' for files in personal desktop (lzehnder)
#26045: [File] »Leave blank to use file name as title.« does not lead to expected result (?) (lzehnder)
#26043: [File] Changing file title leads to partially broken file object (File name extension missing) (lzehnder)
#25636: [File] bestimmte PDF lassen sich nicht mehr downloaden (fschmid)
#26035: [Forum] Comparing bigint(20) and int(11) leads to strain on DB (nadia)
#26080: [ILIAS Page Editor] typo (akill)
#26013: [Learning History] Error when opening "Achievement" with my Admin-Account (mjansen)
#26002: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] PHP7.2 issue: Undefined variable $a_tree (akill)
#26108: [Mail] Some Mail settings can not be saved (nadia)
#25577: [Main Menu] Separator prevents the hiding of a top item (lzehnder)
#21215: [Performance issues] Repository: Performance issue with complex tree (akill)
#26076: [Personal Profile] Prozess "Prompting Personal Profile" erreicht nicht sein Ziel (akill)
#24844: [Portfolio] Portfolio öffnen » ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId() (akill)
#24294: [Portfolio] PDF Export zeigt keine Badges im Profil (akill)
#25794: [Portfolio] -OBJ_FEATURES- translation missing (akill)
#25976: [Portfolio] ilObjPortfolioBaseGUI:: lang var 'obj_features' not available (akill)
#26008: [Session (Course & Group)] Session throws error if user update settings without edit meta data permission (smeyer)
#26084: [Survey] SurveyMultipleChoiceQuestion: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable (akill)
#25957: [Test & Assessment] Error when importing question pool (PHP 7.2) (ta-bugs)
#26030: [Test & Assessment] Umbau des Ergebnisreiters verhindert UseCase (bheyser)
#25988: [Test & Assessment] "externalId" and "externalID" (bheyser)
#26062: [Test & Assessment] Creating formula question: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable (bheyser)
#25259: [UI Components / KS] Tile images are not copied (Deck of Cards) (akill)
#26060: [User Service] " New Account Mail " doesn't sent the attach files (mjansen)
#25008: [Who is online?] Modal-Dialog beim Erstellen von Gruppen. (akill)