Download & Releases

5.4.5 (stable)

Release 5.4.5 has been published on August 29, 2019

  • Please read the ILIAS 5.4 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
  • You find information about first time installation here.
  • Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found here.
  • Please have a look at the page Required Software for 5.4, too.

If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.4.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.

ILIAS 5.4 comes with a new content style that substitutes the former content style. If you want to keep this outdated style, please create a new style with it before updating to 5.4. Own created styles won't be tackled.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
Download (
191 MB, 2019-29-08
md5: 46dfaffff6b3f09253e49282a37dd05c

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
Download (
176 MB, 2019-29-08
md5: 814fc03504d8f1490b35dbbede5116c8

Known Issues

  • none

Fixed Bugs

The following bugs reported in Mantis have been resolved:

#25857: [Accessibility] WARNING: ilOpenIdConnectSettings::setUidField spams the log (smeyer)
#25654: [Administration] oAuth: no roll assigned to user (smeyer)
#25642: [Administration] Can not save Roll mapping for open id connect (smeyer)
#25827: [Calendar] Calendar iCal Export: date_interval_create_from_date_string(): Unknown or bad format (1) at position 0 (1): Unexpected character (smeyer)
#25710: [Category and Repository] Trash: Restoring results in PHP error "count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable" (PHP 7.2) (akill)
#25824: [Category and Repository] Missing language variable in tile view (akill)
#25646: [Competence Management] Filter heading in the German language "Type of Formation". (akill)
#25821: [Content Page (Repository Object)] Verlauf der Seitengestaltung fehlt bei CoPa komplett (mjansen)
#25795: [Content Page (Repository Object)] Content Page: Object type is currently not available as a start object in courses (mjansen)
#24665: [Course Management] Missing lang var and error (smeyer)
#24396: [Course Management] Failed test: Erinnerungsmails für Start- und Enddaten - Cronjob fails (smeyer)
#25889: [Course Management] Copying course percentage bar sucks at 0% (akill)
#24150: [Course Management] Wording Improvement - -timings_reminder_notifications_desc- (smeyer)
#25565: [Course Management] Fehlende Anzeige Lernfortschritt im IE (akill)
#17483: [Course Management] Failed test: Automatisches Auffüllen in Kurs durch Benutzerlöschung auslösen (smeyer)
#25921: [Course Management] ILIAS deletes Course Informations when Saving the form (mjansen)
#25855: [Cron Service] Nach Update von 5.3.16 auf 5.4.4 erzeugen LDAP-Sync und Papierkorb leeren Tasks Fehler (smeyer)
#13360: [ECS Interface] ECS not activated - but appears in Role-Templated (fwolf)
#25701: [Exercise] Übersetzung "After set Date" fehlt bei Musterlösung (akill)
#25617: [Export] XML items for learning module settings missing in export file (akill)
#25882: [File] File: Missing $mode parameter when creating form in \ilObjFileGUI::update (fschmid)
#25826: [File] Identifier: upload_info_desc (fschmid)
#25840: [Forum] News settings: Sub menu vanishes (mjansen)
#25633: [Learning History] Wording: Text: lhist_no_entries => Sie statt du (akill)
#25755: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Learning Module Import:count(): count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable (akill)
#25624: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Tile view disables opening in new tab or window which resorts in a sequencing failure of the module (akill)
#25176: [Learning Sequence] LSO - Generate List (Wording) (smeyer)
#25959: [Login, Auth & Registration] LDAP Cron: Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in ilLDAPCronSynchronization:163 (smeyer)
#25742: [News] ilMembershipCronNotifications.php(357): ilTree->getPathId(NULL) (akill)
#25867: [Search] Lucene search not php7.2 compliant (count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable) (smeyer)
#25792: [Setup] Update 5.3 auf 5.4 schlägt unter PostgreSQL fehl (mjansen)
#25608: [Survey] Error occurred while copying a Survey (akill)
#25704: [Survey] PHP 7.2 sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable (akill)
#25942: [Survey] Imported survey name and description: dummy (akill)
#25418: [Test & Assessment] Inkonsistente Ergebnisanzeige in unterschiedlichen Tabs (Statistik vs. Ergebnisse) (bheyser)
#25967: [User Tracking] User Tracking (PHP 7.2): Error when applying arbitrary table gui filter (e.g. country as an optional filter) LP GUI (smeyer)