Download & Releases

5.3.17 (stable)

Release 5.3.17 has been published on August 15, 2019

Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found in section 3 of the general installation instructions. For major updates (e.g. 4.4.x -> 5.0.x) the safest proceeding is, to upgrade a copy of your productive system first and test whether everything works ok.

If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.3.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
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184 MB, 2019-15-08
md5: 9dd325c59d9410108719e8d9140e9bd9

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
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170 MB, 2019-15-08
md5: 3d345e673bad94277829a253c5c59398

Known Issues

  • none

Fixed Bugs

The following bugs reported in Mantis have been resolved:

#25662: [Administration] setting to limit objects shown in repository tree does not work (akill)
#25861: [Calendar] Calendar: Wrong default Timezone for ISO 8601 Format (smeyer)
#21583: [Calendar] View of Content-fields: Only 3 lines, then stop with ... (akill)
#25612: [Course Management] Course: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable (smeyer)
#22814: [Course Management] Course files can't be dowloaded from the info screen (smeyer)
#23689: [Course Management] SCORM modules in copied courses get some "- copy" appendix (ukohnle)
#25601: [Data Collection] "Permission Denied" when trying to add a view for a table (ttruffer)
#25638: [ECS Interface] ECS bearbeiten -> Fehler vdfqm_2550 ist aufgetreten. (smeyer)
#25498: [File] Course Info/Files: Uploaded files renamed to *.sec only(!) if any file extension was added to global whitelist (lzehnder)
#23627: [Forum] Meaningless error message when moving a forum thread with file attachment (ntheen)
#25831: [Forum] Mail notification for deleted posts disclose the user (nadia)
#25908: [Group] Group/SOAP: Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in Modules/Group/classes/ (smeyer)
#24974: [Group] Group/Memberlist: SQL Exception when using a userdefined column for sorting 'join requests' (smeyer)
#25737: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Object ID does not match learning module (akill)
#25338: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Nach Kopieren gehen die Lernfortschrittseinstellungen am SCORM Objekt verloren (ukohnle)
#22801: [Online Help] ScreenID bei Frage erstellen im Test generisch (bheyser)
#25769: [Personal Desktop] Missing advanced meta data on personal desktop list gui (smeyer)
#23656: [Search] Insert into Clipboard after search leads to an error (smeyer)
#25158: [Statistics and Learning Progress] LP settings of copied SCORM modules is always deactivated (ukohnle)
#25412: [Statistics and Learning Progress] LP status isn't displayed outside objects anymore (akill)
#25643: [Taxonomies] Sortierung innerhalb von Taxonomieknoten nicht mehr alphabetisch, sobald nachträglich neuer Kurs hinterlegt wird (akill)
#25218: [Test & Assessment] Info-/Fehlermeldung durch Kompetenzzuordnungen unterhalb des Quorums (bheyser)
#25814: [Test & Assessment] Question Pool: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable (bheyser)
#25311: [User Service] fatal error if user list is sorted by _deleted_ custom user data field (smeyer)
#25269: [User Service] UDFs vom Feldtyp "Auswahlliste (Einfachauswahl)" haben immer einen Wert (smeyer)
#25663: [Web Feeds & RSS] Use of undefined constant mob_id - assumed 'mob_id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP)... (akill)
#25581: [Weblink] Cron Job "Weblink check" fails due to too many open files (smeyer)