Download & Releases

5.3.14 (stable)

Release 5.3.14 has been published on April 04, 2019

Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found in section 3 of the general installation instructions. For major updates (e.g. 4.4.x -> 5.0.x) the safest proceeding is, to upgrade a copy of your productive system first and test whether everything works ok.

If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.3.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
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184 MB, 2019-04-04
md5: b468b356bac24f8a49531c3fda41ae6e

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
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171 MB, 2019-04-04
md5: 47f91b8e7a06a8c2be96c14adb552173

Known Issues

  • none

Fixed Bugs

The following bugs reported in Mantis have been resolved:

#25095: [Administration] Einträge nicht löschbar (akill)
#24648: [Background Tasks] Background Tasks: Completed background are displayed in public area (trunk only) (fschmid)
#25096: [Blog] "Beitrag veröffentlichen"-Button muss inaktive sein während der Bearbeitung des Beitrags (akill)
#24936: [Booking Tool] Calendar is not showing the available objects + displays the week from one year forward. (jlopez)
#24045: [Booking Tool] "Today" in booking process sends you to about one year in the future (jlopez)
#24924: [Category and Repository] Container: (PHP 7.2): Use of undefined constant IL_CRS_VIEW_TIMING - assumed 'IL_CRS_VIEW_TIMING' (smeyer)
#25190: [Competence Management] Missing lang var #skmg_usage_type_info_seval# (mkunkel)
#24954: [Course Management] Opening "Permissions of User" in a course results in error page (smeyer)
#25111: [Cron Service] Cron Service hides PHP Warnings/Errors (mjansen)
#24948: [Data Collection] Filter settings get often lost - bad usability (ttruffer)
#25004: [Data Collection] Grp-Admin verliert Rechte bei Verknüpfung der Datensammlung in eine andere Gruppe (if "View only own entries" is TRUE) (ttruffer)
#24963: [File] File Upload: JavaScript error on views with D&D file upload possibilities / Upload not possible (fschmid)
#23674: [File] ilFileStandardDropzoneInputGUI: Wrong language for error messages (fschmid)
#24859: [File] FileSystem: Not able to list root directory because of check in FlySystemDirectoryAccess::listContents (fschmid)
#25068: [ILIAS Page Editor] Whoops if i try to add a page layout in administration => layout and styles => Page Layouts (akill)
#24682: [Language Handling] Language variable grp_grp_already_assigned missing (mkunkel)
#23582: [Learning Module SCORM 1.2] Tracking data: Report "CMI raw data" cannot display > 9999 entries (ukohnle)
#25027: [Login, Auth & Registration] Session Reminder not working as expected (mjansen)
#25098: [Login, Auth & Registration] Kein Login per LDAP möglich (smeyer)
#25009: [Mail] Reminder mail does not use defined installation prefix (mjansen)
#25014: [Mail] File attachment in "New Account Mail" cannot be deleted (mjansen)
#24176: [Mail] Avatar wird in Mailübersicht unterschiedlich verwendet (mjansen)
#24946: [Mail] Präfix im Mailbetreff nicht entfernbar (mjansen)
#25135: [News] ilNewsForContextBlockGUI: news text rendered twice (akill)
#24922: [RBAC] Access Control (different Objects): Use of undefined constant IL_STATUS_MESSAGE (with PHP 7.2.x) (smeyer)
#21289: [SOAP & Webservices] Via SOAP angelegte "geschlossene Gruppen" sind nicht wirklich geschlossen (smeyer)
#24970: [Session (Course & Group)] Creating a recuring Session fails with Php 7.2 (smeyer)
#25138: [System Check] System ckeck error (smeyer)
#24992: [Test & Assessment] Bulk action to derive question pools crashes when pools are located in the trash bin (bheyser)
#23044: [Test & Assessment] Feedback for matching question is off (bheyser)
#25086: [Test & Assessment] Wrong error message when forgetting to select questionpool after import test with random questions (bheyser)
#23677: [Test & Assessment] "resume test" button instead of "start new test run" button shown in some setting scenarios (bheyser)
#24533: [Test & Assessment] Anordnungsfrage mobil nicht nutzbar (bheyser)
#25013: [User Service] File attachment in "New Account Mail" is lost while dispatching mail (mjansen)
#24902: [Who is online?] Who is online tool does not show online status for Shibboleth Auth (akill)
#24977: [_Other] ILIAS exits with Whoops error message "Undefined class constant 'IL_CRS_VIEW_TIMING'" (smeyer)