Call for Papers – DevConf Karlsruhe

Contributions by the community to the programme of the Development Conference at 14 March 2024 in Karlsruhe


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  "Introduce Activities" formerly known as "Internal API Alignment" once framed as "Service Discovery"

Presented by
Richard Klees
CaT Concepts and Training GmbH
Short description
The general idea that ILIAS should have a unified way to encode domain level APIs in its components floats around in the community for quite some time now. Various attempts to implement according facilities have been made but did not lead to a conclusion. We want to try again. What once was the "Service Discovery" and the "Internal API Alignment" shall now return as the project "Introduce Activities". We will revisit the state of affairs that we have left on the last attempt, reevaluate in in the light of new developments in ILIAS and present a proposal for further activities to, finally, have a central mechanism to announce and consume APIs of ILIAS components.
Target group
Project Managers
Length of slot
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