Call for Papers – DevConf Karlsruhe

Contributions by the community to the programme of the Development Conference at 14 March 2024 in Karlsruhe


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  Quo Vadis ilObject

Presented by
Stephan Kergomard
kergomard - software for meaningful learning
Short description
I've taken over responsibility for ilObject more than a year ago and already started working on a new structure for it. But up to now this has all been in a very ad hoc manner highly limited by available resources and mostly driven by my need to form a good overview. For the time being, as we are all rather well occupied by the project to remove legacy UI I plan to move forward in slow and incremental steps, but it would be my aim to afterwards start picking up the pace. So this workshop aims to gather needs and hopes from other developers towards ilObject and to present my preliminary ideas for what is now called `ILIAS Object`.
Parts of the workshop:
- What has already happened (presentation).
- What would you like to change in ILIASObject (workshop).
- What do I think are necessary changes (presentation + discussion).
- What are the next steps.
Target group
Length of slot
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