Call for Papers – DevConf Karlsruhe

Contributions by the community to the programme of the Development Conference at 14 March 2024 in Karlsruhe


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  The perfect input form

Presented by
Ferdinand Engländer
CaT Concepts and Training GmbH
Short description
ILIAS users spend an eternity on forms: Forms for creating objects, forms for managing settings, forms for submitting data...

Filled to the brim with option after option, they can be intimidating for beginners and still inconvenient for power-users. Is this just how forms are?

Find out which best practices, UX principles, and findings from user testing could improve how we build and use forms in ILIAS.

This presentation is based on a paper researching proven concepts and results from studies (that used eye-tracking as a measurable metric) to make complex, branching forms with many optional and advanced sections easier to work with. The paper compares current approaches in ILIAS and how solutions recommended by UX experts and researchers could potentially expand and optimize them.
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