Information about the use of ILIAS


Discover ILIAS

Would you like to get an overview of the hard facts about ILIAS? Maybe familiarise yourself with and test the various functions that this open source software has to offer? Or are you looking for the easiest possible introduction to the community and the organisation's activities?

Here you will find everything you need to discover ILIAS.

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Über das open source-LMS ILIAS
E-Learning mit ILIAS : SOUVERÄN FLEXIBEL SICHER - Deutsche Version 2023 - 48 Seiten - für Bildschirmnutzung optimiert
Mit Dummy-Usern den Funktionsumfang von ILIAS kennenlernen.



Maybe you already use ILIAS and have questions regarding specific functions? Or do you have specific concerns about accessibility and data protection?

Here you can find all of the relevant information you need in order to use ILIAS.

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Learning Module and German Online Help
Informationen zum Status der Barrierefreiheit in ILIAS
Informationen, Tools und Handreichungen rund um das Thema Datenschutz in ILIAS


Setting up ILIAS

Are you responsible for teaching or maybe the administrator of an ILIAS installation? Would you like to set up an ILIAS installation and have questions on how to proceed or regarding the current release notes? Or would you like to get an overview of the plug-ins that are available and use didactic templates?

Here you can find all of the relevant information you need in order to set up ILIAS.

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Erweiterung des Funktionsumfangs von ILIAS durch Plugins und Add-ons
Learning Module ILIAS
Important and helpful information about installing ILIAS on different operation systems and maintaining it
Learning Module ILIAS
Downloads of and information on current and past ILIAS releases
Vorlagen für die einfache Umsetzung didaktischer Szenarien


ILIAS in the Community

The learning management system ILIAS has an extremely active community.

Would you like to benefit from the experiences of other community members? If you don’t want to keep having to reinvent the wheel, you will find like-minded people in our community with whom you can exchange ideas in forums or from whose materials you will be able to benefit. For example, there are already numerous helpful Toolboxes available, covering teaching-related usage scenarios within ILIAS.

Here you can find all of the relevant information you need on ‘ILIAS in the community’.

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Open workspace for ILIAS community with channels for development and administration topics, CSS, plugins and more | Requires acc
Discussion and support forums for ILIAS user community
Anleitungen und Impulse zur Nutzung von ILIAS

Open Educational Resources

Here you will find information (in German) on the use and distribution of OER with ILIAS. We also make all files published under Creative Commons freely available.


Liste aller verfügbaren freien Bildungsinhalte (OER) auf dieser ILIAS-Installation (CC-lizensiert)
Materialien zur besseren und sicheren Bereitstellung und Nutzung von Open Educational Resources