Thread "delete orphaned entries in database"


  • jordyro
    jordyro | jordyro | 28. Jul 2024, 09:49
    delete orphaned entries in database
    I am trying to remove an asessment from trash , which unfortunately doesn't exist anymore inn database, so if i try to delete i receive an error.
    So i think , the only way to remove the record from trash will be to create a "fake" record in database in asessment. 
    But i dont know where should i create, and how query shoud look.

    form_adm_trash_table_deleted: a:2:{s:4:"from";s:0:"";s:2:"to";s:0:"";}
    il_nav_history           : a:1:{s:4:"212:";a:7:{s:2:"id";s:4:"212:";s:6:"ref_id";i:212;s:4:"link";s:41:"";s:5:"title";s:12:"alte cursuri";s:4:s:4:"type";s:3:"cat";s:10:"sub_obj_id";s:0:"";s:9:"goto_link";s:0:"";}}

    Thanks in advance