Crowdfunding for ILIAS

Raising funds for new features in ILIAS


General Layout and Menu Revision - Step 1


Triggered by an initiative of the University of Bern with the title "Page Layout Revision", multiple processes currently take place in the ILIAS-Community. Overall goal of the "Page Layout Revision" is to redesign the overall ILIAS layout and its core control elements. Based on a problem analysis of the current ILIAS layout and controls, a proposal for a general redesign of the layout was developed. The introduction of such a general redesign will lead to large ripple effects through almost all parts of ILIAS.

List of related features requests

Funding Status

Coordination of Funding

For all questions and commitments to fund this feature, please contact


Universität Bern (tot.: 81.000 €)

  • Preliminary studies, 2017: 14.000 €
  • Main Menu-Service and Abstraction Part 3: 8.700 €
  • PLR: Kontext-bezogene Slates (Konzept): 7.000 €
  • KS-Developments for Revision Personal Desktop: 15.000 €
  • Project manager: 6.000 €
  • Boostrap 4 and SAAS-variables-system in UI-Framework: 19.000 €
  • UI-Komponenten Footer, Bulky Link: 2.800 €
  • Flexible Online-help: 1.200 €
  • Notification Center-Provider for contacts and more: 1.700 €
  • Feinschliff: 2.000 €
  • Recommanded content: 1.500 €
  • ilCtrl-Struktur als Artifact: 2.100 €

CaT Concepts and Training GmbH (32.900 €)

  • ILIAS UI Framework, discount 7.400 €
  • UI-Komponenten, discount 14.500 €
  • Bootstrap 4, SAAS-Variablen, discount 10.000 €
  • ILIAS Feinschliff, discount 1.000 €

ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V. (Beirat): (tot. 20.000 €)

  • Project manager 6.000 €
  • Icon Upload Customizable Main Menu: 14.000 €

Hochschule Luzern (tot. 18.500 €)

  • MainMenu-Service and -Abstraction – Part 1, 2018: 4.800 €
  • Adapt view with left hand Tree in Mail to new Layout; 2400 €
  • Forum: tree in slate triggered by view control and more: 4.300 €
  • Projectmanagement, HTML-Export: 7.000 €

studer+raimann AG (11.500 €)

  • conception, workshops: 3500 €
  • Discount 8000 €

Universität zu Köln
tbd 10.000 €

Universität Stuttgart

  • UI-Komponente Avatar - Default Mainbar-Menu: 8.000 €

Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik Zürich (HfH)

  • Main Menu-Service and Abstraction Part 2 and Part 3, 6.000 €

Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft digitale Lehre an den Hochschulen für den öffentlichen Dienst in Deutschland (tot. 5.300 €)

  • Notes and comments: 2.600 €
  • Integration Page Editor to Slate: 2.700 €

Deutsche Hochschule für Prävention und Gesundheitsmanagement (DHfPG)

  • Donation for unexpected fundings: 3.000 €

Technische Hochschule OWL (tot. 48.000 €)

  • UI-Elemente for Personal Desktop and Migration, Migration of elements and services): 44.000 €
  • Adapt ILM, Adapt Who is online, Adapte Portfolio, Blog, Login-Logout: 4.000 €
  • Chat Improvements (PLR, Input): 4.600 €

FH Aachen (tot. 40.000 €)

  • Kontext-bezogene Slates (Umsetzung), : 14.000 €
  • Umbau MainMenu 5.4 zu MainBar 6.0: 9.000 €
  • Different adjustments - Leifos: 17`000 €

Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (tot. 36.000 €)

  • UI-components for Page Layout Revision, 2018: 27.500 €
  • Modus-Notifications: UI-components "Memberview": 4.500 €
  • Performance-Optimierungen: 4.000 €

Phillipps-Universität Marburg (tot.: 21.500 €)

  • Tree-Tool plus Slate/Tool State*, Artifact Builder UnitTests. 7.000 €
  • Adapt view with left hand Tree in SCORM Editor to new Layout. 10.500 €
  • Anpassungen LTI Provider an GlobalScreen: 4.400 €

Pädagogische Hochschule Bern (PHBern)

  • Donation for unexpected fundings: 20.000 €

Leifos AG

  • preliminary studies, 18.000 €

DHBW Karlsruhe (tot. 13.900 €)

  • "View-Mechanismen" zu "PageBuidler" + UIHook: 5.000 €
  • Recommanded Content on Dashboard: 4.800 €
  • Online-help in Slate 4.100 €

Fachhochschule Münster

  • Icon-Upload Customizable Main Menu; Migration of MetaBar in Global Screen: 10.000 €

Katholische Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen

  • Lernmodul 7.500 €

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg:

  • Analyse, Teilumsetzung Performance ILIAS 6: 6.000 €

Universität Basel

  • Icon-Upload Customizable Main Menu and File Storage concept: 5.000 €

PH Freiburg

  • Notification Center & Background Tasks: 5.000 €

Last edited: 16. Apr 2024, 11:27, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]