Centralizing UI-Components

Introductory Message

Thank you a lot for participating in this survey!

You are helping us to identify parts of the ILIAS UI landscape that are generally considered as problematic. Your data will be used for the further development of the Kitchen Sink project and for a paper covering Usability in Open Source Projects.

You will be asked several questions concerning your experience with the UI in ILIAS. We are aware, that you possibly may not provide answers to all questions asked. If you are not familiar with some term, just click "I don't know". You need around 20 minutes to complete this survey.

In case you also contribute work by developing plugins or ILIAS core code, we will ask you some technical questions in the second part of the survey. Those answers will act as input for the project "Centralizing UI components" (see http://www.ilias.de/docu/goto.php?target=wiki_1357_Centralizing_UI-Components). You need around 15 minutes to complete the second part of the survey (depending elaboretness of your responses, it might be more). 

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