Download & Releases
5.3.0 (stable)
Release 5.3.0 has been published on January 25, 2018
Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found in section 3 of the general installation instructions. For major updates (e.g. 4.4.x -> 5.0.x) the safest proceeding is, to upgrade a copy of your productive system first and test whether everything works ok. If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.3.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.
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Fixed Bugs
The following bugs reported in Mantis have been resolved:
* #0022431: [Exercise] Text exercise throws "A non-numeric value encountered" error with php7.1 (akill)
* #0022326: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Failed test: Import und Übersetzung und Export (akill)
* #0021743: [Statistics and Learning Progress] Failed test: Zusammenfassung aufrufen (bheyser)
* #0021644: [Statistics and Learning Progress] Failed test: Benutzerliste aufrufen (bheyser)
* #0021630: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Error in adding a picture in page editor feedback of a question (akill)
* #0021210: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Lösungshinweis anfordern (bheyser)
* #0015928: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Refurbishing Forms: Add Info-Text in tab "Offline Use" (ukohnle)
* #0015656: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Tracking Data tab should require same permissions like Learning Progress (ukohnle)
* #0012286: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Log reports differently from what actually is executed in scorm player (ukohnle)
* #0007629: [Learning Module SCORM 1.2] Display options for SCORM modules aren't adopted by the "View" in "Settings" and "Info" (ukohnle)
* #0010836: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Invalid session-timeout URL (ukohnle)
* #0010501: [Learning Module SCORM 1.2] LP does not appear in SCORM module (ukohnle)
* #0010030: [Learning Module SCORM 1.2] SCORM API returns true on write event on closed session (ukohnle)
* #0008621: [Learning Module SCORM 1.2] Auto-Continue don´t work with scorm 1.2 (ukohnle)
* #0021871: [CSS / Templates] Section View Control in Calendar Block does not work well on iPad Portrait (akill)
* #0018286: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] SCORM LM certificate settings: Double (redundant?) checkbox (ukohnle)
* #0015931: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Refurbishing Forms: "Width" and "Height" become sub-options for "Display" (ukohnle)
* #0017183: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] "Default Lesson Mode" should have radiobuttons and not be a drop down (ukohnle)
* #0015935: [Learning Module SCORM 1.2] Refurbishing Forms: "Auto-Continue" (ukohnle)
* #0016057: [SCORM Offline Player] Activate Certificate Service - double checkboxes? (ukohnle)
* #0022339: [Language Handling] German labels for Kitchensink (mkunkel)
* #0021364: [Calendar] When Background Tasks starts - Message (mkunkel)
* #0021250: [Learning Module SCORM 1.2] T23555: Error message that appears if you hadn't chosen a file to import contains a spelling mistake (ukohnle)
* #0022093: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Lösungsvergleich 17 (bheyser)
* #0022363: [Setup] Setup ILIAS 5.3.x on InnoDB fails because of Default INDEX Limit of 767 byte (fschmid)
* #0022091: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Lösungsvergleich 16 (bheyser)
* #0022090: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Lösungsvergleich 14 (bheyser)
* #0022430: [Data Collection] ilias_reference fields cause exception with PHP 7.1 (ttruffer)
* #0022088: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Lösungsvergleich 11 (bheyser)
* #0022414: [Personal Desktop] Remove multiple object from desktop - not all objects selectable (mjansen)
* #0022087: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Lösungsvergleich 10 (bheyser)
* #0022186: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Anordnungsfrage (vertikal) erstellen - Switch to picture nesting view: Whoops (bheyser)
* #0021890: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Warnung bei Nicht-Überschreitung der Mindestanzahl von Antworten (bheyser)
* #0022020: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: ECTS-Noten vergeben (bheyser)
* #0021910: [Plugin Slots] Failed test: globale Rolle mit "Visible und Read auf die Administration" anlegen und testen (bseglias)
* #0022325: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Missing lang var -mob_video_tools- (akill)
* #0021485: [Test & Assessment] Failed Test: Error message not helpful. Also, German translation needed. (bheyser)
* #0021611: [ILIAS Page Editor] Failed test: Import, Übersetzung und Export (fneumann)
* #0021677: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Compatibility with Internet Explorer 7 doesn't work (ukohnle)
* #0022038: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Übersicht gegebener Antworten (bheyser)
* #0022025: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Verwendung vorheriger Lösungen (bheyser)
* #0021752: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Verpflichtende Fragen: Variante (bheyser)
* #0021868: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Jeden Fragentyp in der Listenansicht hinzufügen (bheyser)
* #0022196: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Rückmeldung zu Zuordnungsfrage hinzufügen (bheyser)
* #0022191: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Rückmeldung zu Kprim-Choice-Frage hinzufügen (bheyser)
* #0022187: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Zuordnungsfrage erstellen (bheyser)
* #0022185: [Test & Assessment] Vertical Ordering Question: No visual feedback after adding image to SECOND (third,…) answer option (bheyser)
* #0022184: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Single-Choice-Frage erstellen - picture preview missing (bheyser)
* #0021908: [Language Handling] Failed test: globale Rolle mit "Visible und Read auf die Administration" anlegen und testen (fneumann)
* #0021241: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Failed test: Mehrsprachigkeit für Medienpools aktivieren (akill)