Development Guide

Permission Handling

Permission Handling

Reference IDs and Object IDs

All objects within the ILIAS repository are protected by the role-based access control system (RBAC). An object within the repository is identified by the so-called Reference-ID (ref_id). The Reference-ID determines the object and the position of the object within the repository tree. Objects are identified by their Object-ID. Every object has only one Object-ID but may be associated with multiple Reference-IDs if it is referenced in multiple locations within the repository tree.

Related Classes:

  • ilObject (classes/class.ilObject.php): Handles objects and their IDs
  • ilTree (classes/class.ilTree.php): Handles the repository tree (and other trees).

Related Tables:

  • object_data: Stores basic object data
  • object_reference: Stores Reference-IDs of objects
  • tree: Stores the repository tree

How to check the access permission of a user

The access checking is provided by the class ilAccessHandler. An instance of this class is globally available through the DI-Container. The most important method of this class is:

checkAccess($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_type = "", $a_obj_id = "")
global $DIC;

$access = $DIC->access();
if ($access->checkAccess("write", "", $this->object->getRefId())

This method checks whether the current user may perform the action $a_cmd associated with the permission $a_permission on the repository object identified by $a_ref_id. The method checks the following things:

  1. RBAC Check: Check whether the current user has the permission $a_permission for the object identified by $a_ref_id. $a_permission may be, for example, "read" or "write".

  2. Repository Path Check: Checks whether the current user has read access to all parent nodes of the object identified by $a_ref_id. For example, if a learning module is located within a course A in category B, ILIAS checks read access of course A and category B.

  3. Condition Check: Checks whether the user fulfills all preconditions for the object. Preconditions could be defined by authors, administrators, or tutors of repository objects. They consist of a trigger, a target, and a condition expression. For example, Learning module A (target) can be accessed only if the user has passed (condition) Test B (trigger).

  4. Object Status Check: Checks whether the status of the object allows a command to be performed. For example, if a learning module is set to "offline," no read access-related command may be performed, even if the read permission is granted by RBAC.

The check of step 4 makes use of type-specific access classes. Every object type (learning modules, glossaries, chats, etc.) must provide an access class derived from ilObjectAccess, named ilObj_Type_Access, e.g., ilObjGlossaryAccess, ilObjLearningModuleAccess, ilObjChatAccess, etc. Those classes must contain a static method:

_checkAccess($a_cmd, $a_permission, $a_ref_id, $a_obj_id, $a_user_id = "")

This method should check the object status-related conditions and return true if everything is OK or false if not.

Related classes:

  • ilAccessHandler (components/ILIAS/AccessControl/classes/class.ilAccessHandler.php)
  • ilObjectAccess (classes/class.ilObjectAccess)