Download & Releases
5.0.6 (stable)
Release 5.0.6 has been published on October 8, 2015. Before upgrading an ILIAS installation of version 3.9 or lower to 5.0 you will need to upgrade to 3.10 first. Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found in section 3 of the general installation instructions. For major updates (e.g. 4.3.x -> 4.4.x) the safest proceeding is, to upgrade a copy of your productive system first and test whether everything works ok. If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.0.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in 5.0.
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Known Issues
Fixed Bugs
The following reported bugs have been resolved:
- #0016424: [Survey] Label wording in German Language File: svy_results_mail_own (mkunkel)
- #0016851: [Course Management] Failed test: Objekt verbergen, wenn die Vorbedingung nicht erfüllt wird (mkunkel)
- #0016947: [Test & Assessment] ilMatchingQuestion.js breaks touch devices (bheyser)
- #0016503: [SOAP / Webservices] Course-XML changed, but dtd did not. (fwolf)
- #0015758: [CSS / Templates] content styles import incomplete (akill)
- #0015563: [Test & Assessment] Competence results in tests show incorrect data (bheyser)
- #0008691: [Course Management] Columns for waiting list and join requests (smeyer)
- #0016932: [Files] File Preview ist overlapping the frame (akill)
- #0016217: [Plugin Slots] Language variable issue in ilObjectCopyGUI (akill)
- #0016243: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] optes50: Das Einrücken einer gesamten Liste „zoomt“ diese (akill)
- #0016325: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Changes in title and description ignored in Settings tag (akill)
- #0016785: [Test & Assessment] ilias50:Test Ergebnisse Formelfrage (bheyser)
- #0016312: [Administration] Repository Trash and Permissions: Wrong behaviour when clicking on tree nodes (akill)
- #0011737: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Images mit suffix "jpeg" werden zur Erstellung verlinkter Bereiche nicht angezeigt (akill)
- #0016340: [Glossary] Missing globaling in ilObjGlossaryGUI::importFileObject() (akill)
- #0016343: [Glossary] Invalid taxonomy created for glossary during import having no taxonomy (akill)
- #0016894: [Weblink] Weblink Type Glossary Term (jluetzen)
- #0016369: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Page editor: internal linking does not work properly in form mode (akill)
- #0016891: [Survey] Survey Start Button in Portfolio/PublicProfile (jluetzen)
- #0016892: [Survey] wrong back target label when call public profile/portfolio from survey info screen (jluetzen)
- #0016860: [Course Management] Failed test: Inhalte aus einem Kurs im Magazin in einen anderen übernehmen (akill)
- #0016839: [Weblink] Failed test: Weblink anlegen - Ziel Innerhalb ILIAS (Seite) (akill)
- #0016712: [Test & Assessment] Kprim: + / - bigger font size (bheyser)
- #0016769: [Test & Assessment] Direct feedback isn't displayed if 'Freeze Answers Given' option is active (bheyser)
- #0016829: [Test & Assessment] Access to Test Results: "Immediately" doesn't work (bheyser)
- #0016721: [Test & Assessment] Testresultate können von Benutzer nich eingesehen werden, wenn der Test unterbrochen wurde (bheyser)
- #0015835: [Test & Assessment] Detailed test results not available (bheyser)
- #0016238: [Plugin Slots] Broken object type images for plugin objects in the export wizard (akill)
- #0016375: [Administration] Bestätigungsmeldung bei Dektivierung von Benutzern irreführend (akill)
- #0016376: [Repository and Categories] Custom icon upload dialog confusing (usability) (akill)
- #0016402: [Files] Schließen (akill)
- #0015788: [Administration] Impossible to "Set scope" for content style due to size of repository (akill)
- #0007617: [Course Management] Explorer Tree Guideline // Edit-Timings -> Precondition (smeyer)
- #0016816: [Glossary] Failed test: Glossar ausdrucken (akill)
- #0016814: [Language Handling] German text in "Upload files" box (System language: English) (jluetzen)
- #0016489: [Media Pools and Media Objects] [optes50+] teilweise Dopplung der Breadcrump aus dem Medienpool (akill)
- #0016492: [Taxonomies] Fatal on deleting tax nodes without selecting any node (akill)
- #0016779: [Sessions (Course & Group)] Missing old Sessions in Administrator-View (Limited Sessions) (smeyer)
- #0016725: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Failed test: Download (akill)
- #0016112: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Problems in HTML export of ILIAS learning modules II (akill)
- #0016111: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Problems in HTML export of ILIAS learning modules I (akill)* #0016772: [SCORM Online Editor] SCORM export contains server paths for images in questions (akill)
- #0016405: [Course Management] Language: translation of msg_copy_clipboard_source missing (smeyer)
- #0016759: [Test & Assessment] Hinweistexte in Fragenbearbeitungsansicht von Lückentextfragen fehlerhaft (gvollbach)
- #0016684: [Test & Assessment] Cloze question: Changing a text gap (or select gap) to a numeric gap erases the value (gvollbach)
- #0016748: [Test & Assessment] Punktvergabe bei Auswahllücke (gvollbach)
- #0016730: [Test & Assessment] Fehlertext: nur ganze Punktzahlen möglich (bheyser)
- #0016736: [Usability] Farbdarstellung der Rückmeldung beim Speichern von Settings / Metadaten (jluetzen)
- #0016625: [Test & Assessment] Show best solution - fehlender Scrollbalken (nadia)
- #0011565: [Personal Profile] Download a "Visiting Card" with German Umlauts, importing in Apple Contact - Problems (akill)
- #0016697: [Meta Data] Failed test: Recht „Anzeigen“ (jluetzen)
- #0014791: [Personal Desktop] Unclear (or not existing?) sorting rule for 'Selected Items' list on PD (akill)
- #0016690: [ILIAS Page Editor] Using Data-Table (akill)
- #0004942: [Course Management] Questions of completed LO presented in second test run (smeyer)
- #0006398: [Course Management] Usability: Clipboard not empty when moving is cancelled (smeyer)
- #0015777: [Course Management] Language File German "Kurseinstellungen" (smeyer)
- #0006278: [Course Management] Time target enabled: Time editing wrong error message (smeyer)
- #0006244: [Course Management] Sessions: Copy - links to course materials get lost (smeyer)
- #0016683: [Test & Assessment] Interpreting numeric gaps in cloze questions (nadia)
- #0015950: [Wiki] read-only page can be renamed by normal course member (akill)
- #0016686: [Sessions (Course & Group)] Failed test: Ansicht nach Typen aktivieren (jluetzen)
- #0015957: [Wiki] Wikilink has no effect in data table in wiki (akill)
- #0016007: [Wiki] pdf export includes php-code (accordion) (jluetzen)
- #0015897: [Exercises] German language variable "Abgeben" instead of "Abschicken" (jluetzen)
- #0016678: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Failed test: Vorwärtsblättern im Lernmodul reglementieren (akill)
- #0006703: [Personal Profile] hits/page is not correct saved (fschmid)
- #0016219: [Test & Assessment] Competence Calculation Wrong (bheyser)
- #0014408: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Button without function in ILIAS LM page editor when using "Form Mode" (akill)
- #0009491: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] keine vorschau für "inhaltsbaustein" im lernmodul (akill)
- #0007207: [Survey] Arithmetisches Mittel in Umfrage Auswertung (jluetzen)
- #0016326: [Accessibility] Meta tag content-language missing in HTML header (akill)
- #0016642: [Mail] Deleting a mail => Message (mjansen)
- #0016636: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Camtasia Video Import endet in Fehlermeldung (akill)
- #0016648: [Calendar] ICal doesn't work, TZID=europe/berlin should be TZID:europe/berlin? (smeyer)
- #0016630: [My Workspace] Mein Arbeitsraum: "Ressourcen von Anderen" zeigt beim Öffnen trotz Freigaben keine Ergebnismenge an (jluetzen)
- #0016641: [Login, Auth & Registration] md5 password check (mjansen)
- #0016643: [Survey] Import user data from a file (jluetzen)
- #0016598: [SOAP / Webservices] addgrpmember - via soap - Gruppenmitlieder werden nicht mehr über soap hinzugefügt (fwolf)
- #0016629: [Item Groups] Objects in invisible Item Objects are not visible in other Item objects, either (jluetzen)
- #0016435: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Internal links to videos in media pools do not work (no access) (akill)
- #0015795: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Fatal error trying to download SCORM 2004 export file (akill)
- #0008158: [Course Management] Not available course content shows in navigation tree (smeyer)
- #0006096: [Course Management] Course member view doesn't take course availability into account (smeyer)
- #0008721: [Course Management] Change precondition settings (without any precondition) (smeyer)
- #0008467: [Course Management] Users in waiting-list and as members in courses (smeyer)
- #0008861: [Course Management] Limited number of members in courses and groups sometimes exceeded (smeyer)
- #0008209: [Course Management] Wording: "Registration / Anmeldung" (smeyer)
- #0016646: [Sessions (Course & Group)] Rows-functionality is no longer available in Sessions (fwolf)
- #0016508: [Course Management] Export Course: Missing Plugin-Icons (fwolf)
- #0015980: [Organisational Units] Misspelling and missing translation in sub-text (mherren)
- #0007697: [Course Management] Actios menu shifted when object is precondition (smeyer)
- #0007567: [Course Management] Strange breadcrumb on course's permission screen (smeyer)
- #0015720: [Search] Fehler bei Wechsel von einfacher zu erweiterter Suche auf (smeyer)
- #0002413: [Course Management] copying a course with sessions (smeyer)
- #0004275: [Course Management] CSS-problems in courses (smeyer)
- #0006277: [Course Management] Precondition: repository tree is closed (smeyer)