Installation and Maintenance

Installation on SLES 10.x

For ILIAS 3.10.x

1. Operation System Packages

All necessary packages of the OS were installed by using the „yast“ tool.
  1. Apache Webserver >1.3.29, better Apache 2.x.x
  2. MySQL 4.1.x or higher
  3. php5 > 5.1.3, better 5.2.x
The following SLES specific php packages have to be installed and the appropriate php extensions need to be activated:
  • apache2-mod_php5
  • php5
  • php5-bcmath (optional for mathematical operations)
  • php5-curl (optional, necessary for SOAP auth, payment, ECS)
  • php5-dom
  • php5-gd
  • php5-iconv
  • php5-json
  • php5-ldap (optional, necessary for LDAP support)
  • php5-mbstring
  • php5-mhash
  • php5-mysql
  • php5-openssl (optional, necessary for SOAP auth, payment, ECS, SSO solutions)
  • php5-pcntl (optional, necessary for extended CRON jobs with parallel processing)
  • php5-posix (optional, necessary for extended CRON jobs with parallel processing)
  • php5-soap (optional, necessary for SOAP auth, payment, ECS, SOAP webservice)
  • php5-tidy (optional for editor component, XHTML validator)
  • php5-timezonedb (optional, necessary for calendar)
  • php5-xsl
  • php5-zlib (optional for SOAP auth, SOAP webservice)
  • php5-pear basic packages PEAR library

Other external tools that are needed in ILIAS:
  • ImageMagick
  • zip
  • unzip
  • java-1_5_0-sun
  • htmldoc

2. Installation of PEAR Libraries

PEAR contains function libraries for PHP developers. Parts of them are used in ILIAS. The command line tool "pear5" is already installed through the php5 PEAR package. But function libraries need to be installed online separately.
Proxy settings might be necessary for using PEAR installer:
pear5 config-set http_proxy http://PROXY_IP:PROXY_PORT

Specific PEAR packages were installed the following way:
pear5 install –o PACKAGE NAME

Both packages for supporting excel export are currently in beta status. Therefore they need to be installed with separate commands:
pear5 install channel://
pear5 install channel://

List of Necessary PEAR Libraries:
SLES10SP2:~ # pear list
Installed packages, channel

Package                  Version  State
Archive_Tar 1.3.2 stable
Auth 1.6.1 stable
Auth_HTTP 2.1.6 stable
Console_Getopt 1.2.3 stable
DB 1.7.13 stable
HTML_Template_IT 1.2.1 stable
HTTP 1.4.1 stable
HTTP_Request 1.4.4 stable
Log 1.11.3 stable
MDB2 2.4.1 stable
MDB2_Driver_mysql 1.4.1 stable
Mail 1.1.14 stable
Net_SMTP 1.3.2 stable
Net_Socket 1.0.9 stable
Net_URL 1.0.15 stable
OLE 1.0.0RC1 beta
PEAR 1.7.2 stable
Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer 0.9.1 beta
Structures_Graph 1.0.2 stable
XML_Parser 1.3.2 stable
XML_RPC 1.5.1 stable

The version numbers are only for orientation (Status: March 2009). For both modules indicated as "beta" it is important to use this version or higher. For all other packages there have not been any incompabilities in ILIAS as far as our experience goes.

A final

pear5 upgrade-all

updates all packages to the actual version.

3. Release-Notes Dokument

06.03.2009 Version 1.0 by Ralf Schenk, Databay AG Aachen,

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