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ILIAS 4.0 Features
This page lists all new features of ILIAS version 4.0. Notice: ILIAS 4.0 requires MySQL 5.0 or higher. MySQL 4.1 will no longer be supported. | Features are assigned to the following categories:
ILIAS core
DB abstraction / Oracle support (Funded by Agentur für Arbeit; Realised by Qualitus, Databay, Leifos, Helmut Schottmüller, Fred Neumann, Hendrik Holtmann)
Disk quota handling per role/user. (Funded and implemented by HSLU / Werner Randelshofer)
LDAP/Shibboleth: Assignment of local roles depending on LDAP/Shibboleth attributes. (Funded by Uni Bern; Implemented by Leifos / Stefan Meyer)
Unit Tests: Allow automatic testing of ILIAS components.
Performance Improvements (Implementation by Leifos)
- Learning Progress (Funded by BA)
- General Cache (Funded by University of Stuttgart)
- RBAC Cache (Funded by University of Stuttgart)
- News Cache (Funded by University of Stuttgart)
- Calendar Cache (Funded by University of Stuttgart)
Paste into Multiple Objects: Offering the possibility of pasting one object into several containers at once. (Implemented by Databay)
User Interface, Usability and Accessibility
Accessibility improvement: screen reader optimization. (Funded by Agentur für Arbeit; Implemented by Qualitus, Leifos, Databay, )
Personal Profile Revision: Improve accessibility and usability. (Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Open Profile (Funded by University of Berne, implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
User Session Expiration Reminder (Implemented by Databay for ILIAS open source)
Revise repository item command list (all/basic commands), according to results of Uni Berne/PHZH usability study. (Funded and implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Get rid of the setting «Icon Position in Lists / Header Row»: Due to usability issues we try to simplify the presentation of objects in container objects by offering only one presentation mode: Showing always object icon in front of the object (setting « object list»).
Personal Desktop and General Services
External subscription to calendars / iCal. (Funded by University of Berne; Implemented by Leifos / Stefan Meyer)
Milestone/Task management. (Funded by ISN ETH Zurich; Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Search Engine Revision. Lucene search will be extend to search through additional document types, e.g. Word, Excel, and all ILIAS ressources. (Funded by Skyguide, Implemented by Leifos / Stefan Meyer)
Search: User interface improvements. (Funded by Skyguide; Implemented by Leifos / Stefan Meyer)
Comments overview on personal desktop. The "Private Notes" tab on the personal desktop will be renamed to "Notes and Comments". A new subtab "Public Comments" will list all comments related to items on the personal desktop of the user. (Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Change ILIAS account name: Optional feature that allows users to change their ILIAS account names themselves in the user profile. (Implemented by Databay for Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg)
Certificate service: The certificate functionality of Test & Assessment should be changed into an ILIAS service to use certificates in other ILIAS objects than tests. In a first step the certificate functionality should be offered for SCORM modules, too. (Implemented by Helmut Schottmüller)
Repository/Mail: Filter HTML out of repository resources titles in mails and in page title tag. (Implemented by Databay for Qualitus)
Payment: Add new payment method "Rechnung/Bill". Add new setting in payment administration "store billing address and bank data yes/no". (Implemented by Databay)
Bookmarks: Manage ILIAS permanent links in bookmarks. (Implemented by Databay / Jan Posselt)
Repository: Allow to create all objects on top repository level. (Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Repository Plugins: A new plugin slot that allows to add new object types to the repository. (Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
FTP/HTTP File Upload. (Implemented by Fred Neumann for Bundesagentur für Arbeit)
Tagging: Administrate list of forbidden tags, search users using a tag. (Funded and implemented by Alex Killing)
Learning and Content Management
SCORM 2004 content editor: Integrated authoring environment to create SCORM 2004 learning modules (Funded by ISN/ETH Zurich; Implementation: Andrij Podgornov, Hendrik Holtmann, Alexander Killing)
SCORM Modules: User Session Handling while user works through SCORM content. (Funded by Bundesagentur für Arbeit; Implemented by Hendrik Holtmann)
Content Editor: Cut, copy and paste of content page elements. The content editor used in wikis, learning modules and glossaries will support cut/copy/paste operations of page elements (text, images, ...). (Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing for ISN)
Content Styles / Page Element Chracteristics: Text block and section characteristics will be extensible. The style sheet editor will be revised. The page editor will allow to select multiple text blocks and to assign a characteristic in one step. (Funded by Uni Münster and ISN; Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Page Editor: Allow marginalia on content pages. This will be done by assigning special css characteristics. (Funded by Uni Münster; Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Media Pools: A new setting in a media pool allows to define a default size for newly added media objects. If adding a new media object, the width/height values will be pre-entered into the form. (Funded by HSU; Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Media Pools: A local search allows to search for media in a single media pool. This is done by a special filter view. (Funded by HSU; Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Content Snippets in Media Pool: Text blocks can be stored as snippets in the media pool and reused easily in several content modules. (Funded by Open Consulting; Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Learning Modules: Individual layout setting per page. Up to now, a learning module uses a certain layout (frame set) for the whole set of pages. This option allows to choose a different layout for single pages. (Funded by HSU; Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Learning Modules: Activation per time limitation. Single pages of a learning module can be activated per time. This option depends on global activation in the ILIAS administration. (Funded by Uni Münster; Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Learning Module: A new layout will be added, that is based on the toc2win layout. It will add a dynamically loaded frame on the bottom right for glossary, media and faq links. The learning module properties will be revised. (Funded by Uni Münster; Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Learning Modules: Revision of Properties Screen. (Funded and implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Learning Modules / Toc2Win Behaviour: There is a usability issue with large trees in the table of contents frame. If multiple items in the tree are expanded, the user quickly loses overview. The idea is to make all items collaps automatically, after a navigation to another page is done - except the parents of the current page. This may be an optional feature. (Funded by Uni Münster; Implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Revision of Media Object Editing: Porting to standard ILIAS form class, constrain proportions option for width/height, use flvplayer/mp3player for mp3/flv files. (Funded and implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
SFTP upload for SCORM and HTML modules (Implemented by FIM / Fred Neumann for Bundesagentur für Arbeit)
File Object Improvements:
- Only current file for download: An additional option makes it possible to reduce learner's access only to newest version of a file. Furthermore an option allows to deactivate versioning of file objects completely. (Funded by Uni Düsseldorf; Implemented by Leifos / Stefan Meyer)
Improving web resources: The creation workflow and naming in web resources will be improved and sorting of links supported. (Implemented by Leifos / Stefan Meyer for ILIAS open source)
Test, Survey and Exercises
New Question Types:
- Fileupload (implemented),
- Flash-Applet (implemented)
- Simple Drag and Drop,
- Horizontal Ordering (implemented),
- Cloze question on Image Map,
- Essay with predefined content (implemented)
E-mail notification for administrators/test owners immediately after a test has been taken with user details and their result (Implemented by Helmut Schottmüller)
Question overview on the left side (Implemented by Helmut Schottmüller)
Meaningful use of read permission in questionpools: At the moment it is only possible to add questions to a test if you have write access to a given questionpool. The idea behind this topic is to allow an author to add questions to a test even if he/she only has read access to the questionpool. In this case the author is not allowed to modify the questions in the test because he/she has only read permission. In case of write permission that author is still able to modify the questions inside a test (Implemented by Helmut Schottmüller)
Exercise Work instruction field improvement (Funded and implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Communication and Syndication
Streamlining of automatically generated e-mails. (Funded by Qualitus and ILIAS open source; Implementation by Florian Suittenpointner, Matthias Kunkel and Stefan Meyer)
Empty Mail Trash: allows to delete all mails in trash with one click (Funded and implemented by Databay)
Mail Address Book: Make it a contacts feature. Allow easily to add users to contacts, e.g. in profile or chat. (Funded and implemented by Databay / Jan Posselt)
WYSIWYG Forum Post Editing (Funded by NET ETH Zürich, Implementation by Databay / Michael Jansen)
Forum Topics Deletion Improvement (Funded by PH Zürich; Implementation by Databay)
Chat Revision: Major usability improvements (Funded by IGV Potsdam; Implemented by Databay / Jan Posselt)
Groupware and Course Management
Preview as Learner to show a course or group administrator how the course/group and its content is shown to a member. (Funded by PH Thurgau and Uni Hohenheim; Implemented by Leifos / Stefan Meyer)
Improvement of course session view: Streamline file handling and review of session presentation on info screen. (Funded by ILIAS open source; Implemented by Stefan Meyer)
Improvement of "Add Member" Dialogue: Search results shall no longer be presented after the search form. (Funded by Helmut Schmidt Universität and ILIAS open source; Implemented by Leifos / Stefan Meyer & Alex Killing)
User May Unsubscribe from Waiting List. (Funded by University of Berne; Implemented by Leifos / Stefan Meyer)
Address lookups for Google Maps input fields. (Funded and implemented by iNetworks / Nicolai Lundgaard)
Session Number Limitation in Administration. (Funded by Bundesagentur für Arbeit; Implementation by Databay)
User administration: User administration list revision. Use new table class for user listing. (Funded by ILIAS open source, implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Direct link from generated roles to the related container object: It allows to go direct from the role assignment of a user (Administration > User Accounts > User Name > Role Assignment) to the related container object. (Funded and implemented by PH Zürich / Pascal Schmitt)
Main Administration Screens Revision: Streamline the main settings in administration. (Funded and implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Login security settings: If enabled ...
- ... multiple logins with the same account in the same session are prevented and
- ... wildcards can be used in IP checks.
(Funded by University Bremen / Elis; Implemented by Databay)Add day of birth to user data. (Funded by Bundesagentur für Arbeit, implemented by Helmut Schottmüller)
Delete Local Roles Locally. (Funded by ILIAS open source; Implementation: LEIFOS / Alex Killing)
New registration type: Registration with confirmation by e-mail. (Funded by ILIAS open source, implemented by Databay / Michael Jansen)
Setup Revision (Funded and implemented by Leifos / Alex Killing)
Abandonned Features
The following features / function will no longer be supported in 4.0:
Save search results