Download & Releases

8.17 (stable)

General Information

Release 8.17 has been published on December 10, 2024

  • Please read the ILIAS 8 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
  • You find information about first time installation of ILIAS 8 and updating here.
  • Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 8 page.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Download (
212 MB, 2024-12-10
md5: 83c8ca8f10ca940bb2942af60441e73a 

Download (
195 MB, 2024-12-10
md5: 9b4fab63ea8cf6ce21f75dc2044d14bc

Important Changes

  • Services/PDFGeneration
    • Since the development for wkhtmltopdf has stopped and the consumer for the service are regressive, the jour Fixe decided to deprecate the PDFGeneration Service with ILIAS 8 and to remove this service with ILIAS 9
  • Plugins
    • Plugins which provide a configuration screen must add an explicit `ilCtrl` directive in the PHPDoc comments of the `il*ConfigGUI` class.
      • Example:
        • /**
           * @ilCtrl_IsCalledBy ilMyPluginConfigGUI: ilObjComponentSettingsGUI
          class ilMyPluginConfigGUI extends ilPluginConfigGUI
              // Code ...
    • Many public methods of class `ilPluginAdmin` (often considered as public API of the component service in ILIAS by developers) were removed. The class itself is marked as deprecated and will be removed in future ILIAS releases. Plugin developers should use `ilComponentRepository` and `ilComponentFactory` instead. Implementations of these interfaces can be retrieved from the dependency injection container ($DIC["component.repository"] and $DIC["component.factory"]).
    • Please always execute a `composer du` command if you put a new plugin into the plugin directories in your filesystem or if you applied any changes to your `plugin.php`. Otherwise the plugin will not be listed in the global ILIAS plugin administration or may cause other problems.
  • Workflow Engine
    • Due to low demand and security issues, we removed the workflow engine with 7.23 and 8.3
  • OpenIDConnect
  • SAML
  • MathJax
    • Please check if you configured a polyfill url at Administration > Third Party Software > MathJax. This is not needed by modern browsers and IE 11 is no longer supported by ILIAS at all. You should NOT use the library any longer, see for details.

Known Issues

  • none

Changed Behaviour

Security Fixes

#42613: [Booking Tool] BookingPool: Broken Access Control/Record Ownership (Michael Jansen (Databay AG))
#42848: [LTI] LTIConsumer: Stored XSS (Matthias Marx (Security Research Labs))

Fixed Issues

The following issues reported in Mantis have been resolved:

#41733: [Accessibility / WCAG Issues] Test > Einstellungen -> Byline bei Durchführung: Zugang > Ende -> Hervorhebung mit < b > statt < strong > (skergomard)
#42091: [Calendar] iCal cash is not used, but written (smeyer)
#43008: [Certificate] Empty listing in certificate content breaks pdf generation (mjansen)
#31589: [Course Management] Email-link in Course Info can produce "Permission Denied" error (smeyer)
#40265: [Data Collection] Administration -> Delete trash -> Delete Datacollections => error: "ilObject::read(): Object with obj_id: 88798 (dcl) not found! (iszmais)
#40892: [Data Collection] Error when user has no access to a referenced table (iszmais)
#41509: [Data Collection] Übersetzung der Informationen in der Spalte "Feld Datentypen" fehlt (iszmais)
#41549: [Data Collection] The deletion of required referenced fields prevents creation and editing (iszmais)
#41989: [Data Collection] Errors at opening datacollection (iszmais)
#42833: [Employee Talk] Failed test: Create a talk (interrupting the creation) (tschmitz)
#41508: [ILIAS Page Editor] Rücksprungpunkt nach Bearbeitung der Einzelansicht falsch (iszmais)
#42996: [Language Handling] Missing German translation for : assessment#:#tst_show_pass_details (skergomard)
#42733: [Login, Auth & Registration] CAS authentication always fails with Wrong Login or Password (PerPascalSeeland)
#43017: [Metadata + ADT] Metadata/Address: Editing options of "Address" type result in PHP error (tschmitz)
#42223: [RBAC] RBAC/GlobalRoleAdministratio/Performance: Memory issue in role table when selecting autom. created local roles (skergomard)
#42321: [Search] Direct search: Pagination does not work (smeyer)
#41684: [Test & Assessment] Inserting question to be moved without having selected target position results in fatal error (tjoussen)
#42560: [Test & Assessment] In File-Upload Question with Authomatic Feedback and Locking File Upload Questions show "Invalid Upload" on Navigation (skergomard)
#42865: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Inhalte zur Wiederholung durch andere ersetzen (skergomard)
#42872: [Test & Assessment] CharSelectorConfig::setDefinition TypeError (fneumann)
#42866: [User Service] User: Error when saving standard field configuration (while tinkering with the checkboxes) -> default_hits_per_page (skergomard)
#42870: [User Service] UserAutocomplete Limit is being ignored (skergomard)