Download & Releases
8.16 (stable)
General Information
Release 8.16 has been published on November 19, 2024
- Please read the ILIAS 8 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
- You find information about first time installation of ILIAS 8 and updating here.
- Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 8 page.
ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Download ( MB, 2024-11-19
md5: 8b0fe1b367294c269588ecd2a2b0b765
Download ( MB, 2024-11-19
md5: a1b5bb7c4dca9659599bdbd489f69547
Important Changes
- Services/PDFGeneration
- Since the development for wkhtmltopdf has stopped and the consumer for the service are regressive, the jour Fixe decided to deprecate the PDFGeneration Service with ILIAS 8 and to remove this service with ILIAS 9
- Plugins
- Plugins which provide a configuration screen must add an explicit `ilCtrl` directive in the PHPDoc comments of the `il*ConfigGUI` class.
- Example:
- /**
* @ilCtrl_IsCalledBy ilMyPluginConfigGUI: ilObjComponentSettingsGUI
class ilMyPluginConfigGUI extends ilPluginConfigGUI
// Code ...
- /**
- Example:
- Many public methods of class `ilPluginAdmin` (often considered as public API of the component service in ILIAS by developers) were removed. The class itself is marked as deprecated and will be removed in future ILIAS releases. Plugin developers should use `ilComponentRepository` and `ilComponentFactory` instead. Implementations of these interfaces can be retrieved from the dependency injection container ($DIC["component.repository"] and $DIC["component.factory"]).
- Please always execute a `composer du` command if you put a new plugin into the plugin directories in your filesystem or if you applied any changes to your `plugin.php`. Otherwise the plugin will not be listed in the global ILIAS plugin administration or may cause other problems.
- Plugins which provide a configuration screen must add an explicit `ilCtrl` directive in the PHPDoc comments of the `il*ConfigGUI` class.
- Workflow Engine
- Due to low demand and security issues, we removed the workflow engine with 7.23 and 8.3
- OpenIDConnect
- We switched the implementation from the "Implicit Flow" (e.g. because of to the "Authorization Code Flow".
- MathJax
- Please check if you configured a polyfill url at Administration > Third Party Software > MathJax. This is not needed by modern browsers and IE 11 is no longer supported by ILIAS at all. You should NOT use the library any longer, see for details.
Known Issues
- none
Changed Behaviour
- T&A: Import of Tests with Results: IIt's no longer possible to deselect questions during the import.
- See changes concerning uploading ZIPs and unzipping here: Drag&Drop Files in Container Objects
- The visibility of the user administration has been adjusted. For a read-only access, the permission "Read" and no longer "Read Access to User Accounts" is used. Mantis 37269.
- T&A: "Auto-saved" or intermediate answers are not saved anymore as authorized answers when the set test duration limit ends.
- T&A: Zero will not be accepted any longer as value for points in File Upload Questions.
- Datacollection: FieldTypeHook-Plugins: Plugin fields were refactored to be more robust on plugin changes and inaccessebility of their plugins. Data from a plugin field will no longer be shown in any content and not copied or exported/imported, when the plugin is deactivated.
- The field itself will no longer be editable in that case, too. It can only be removed via the field list of its table (or will be restored when the plugin is active again.
- Plugin fields are now bind to IDs and therefore persistent when a plugin name changes.
- Plugins are now shown separately with own title and byline within the field selection when creating a new field.
- DataCollection export are now more persistent to export plugin data correctly. Due to that change, exports from older ILIAS version will not be able to import plugin data into newer ILIAS version. The data will be skipped during the import. The import within the same chronical scope. (old to old and new to new) will keep working
- see the updated docu for more information:
Updated Languages
- Updated Japanese language support by Shiro Tamoto, Nagaoka University of Technology
Fixed Issues
The following issues reported in Mantis have been resolved:
#41415: [Administration] deletion of column separator leads to error (akill)
#42351: [Blog] Klicken auf Beitragende Person in der Liste der Beitragende Personen verursacht Fehler (akill)
#35519: [Booking Tool] Deadline for Preferences can be edited after it passed (akill)
#42614: [Booking Tool] BookingPool: Cloning of schedules does not work correctly, ID "1" seems to be stored for the booking objectts (akill)
#42618: [Booking Tool] Bei der Aktivierung von zusätzlichen Spalten (Personenbezogenen Daten) erfolgt eine ODF Fehlermeldung. (akill)
#42141: [Category and Repository] The first pasting from the clipboard of a repository object just reloads the page (for copy/move/link via action menu) (akill)
#31780: [Course Management] Inserting several linked objects via Clipboard (akill)
#41985: [Course Management] Timings view - Relative Dates - No Cron Mails sent (tschmitz)
#42128: [Course Management] Combination Tiles and Learning object view (smeyer)
#42609: [Course Management] Lernfortschritt der User in einem Kurs: Feld "Organisationseinheiten" bleibt leer (smeyer)
#42178: [Data Collection] FieldTypeHook-Plugin are not checked for plugin status and are not robust against plugin changes (iszmais)
#42527: [Data Collection] Fehlermeldung beim Importieren von Kurs (iszmais)
#37379: [Excel] Download of all submissions is broken when it contains utf-8 invalid character (Excel export invalid) (skergomard)
#31984: [Exercise] Error when downloading submissions with deleted users (akill)
#38620: [Exercise] Download All ZIP Cannot Be Removed From Notifications (akill)
#38715: [Exercise] Download all submissions (team upload) > submission time not visible in ZIP-archive (Excel missing) (akill)
#42531: [Exercise] Access to 'Submissions and Grades' crashes if assignments have been started but nothing handed in yet (akill)
#42322: [Forum] Type Error in ilObjForumGUI (mjansen)
#42589: [Glossary] If Taxonomy is shown in Presentation View an error occurs (tfamula)
#32413: [ILIAS Page Editor] Page Editor: adding a link to a section turns text colour black (akill)
#41504: [ILIAS Page Editor] verschieben von mehreren Objekten gleichzeitig funktioniert nicht einwandfrei (akill)
#41506: [ILIAS Page Editor] Deaktivieren/Löschen von Page Componenten Plugin führt nicht zur vollständigen Löschung/Deaktivierung im Page Editor (akill)
#42082: [ILIAS Page Editor] After changing the text colour, colour can't be changed to another colour (akill)
#42588: [ILIAS Page Editor] Tabellen-Templates lassen sich nicht löschen (akill)
#42227: [Item Groups] Error File Upload: A file is not added correctly to the item group (akill)
#42110: [Language Handling] Typo in DE > irss#:#full_size# (mkunkel)
#41374: [Learning Module HTML] Link to Learning Progress doesn't work (akill)
#42176: [Learning Module ILIAS : Assessment Questions] Shuffling Answer options does not work in Matching Questions in ILIAS Learning Modules (fneumann)
#42805: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Learning module presentation sometimes leads to errors in conjunction with accordions (akill)
#42550: [Learning Module SCORM : Assessment Questions] Failed test: Single-Choice-Frage erstellen und beantworten (skergomard)
#42327: [Login, Auth & Registration] Forgot password function does not work with SAML and allowed local authentication (mjansen)
#42436: [Mail] Mail to Members: List members of certain courses leads to php-error (mjansen)
#41494: [Mediacast] Mediacasts can't be completed if "Completion Threshold" is set to 100% (akill)
#42758: [Mediacast] Old, non-migrated MC objects indefinitely stall copying of courses etc. with error... (akill)
#42217: [Metadata + ADT] Filtering of External Links is somewhat less than perfect (tschmitz)
#42682: [Organisational Units] Error when creating new Organisational Units (rklees)
#41869: [Personal and Shared Resources (aka 'My Workspace')] Personal and shared resssources -> My ressources -> external and internal web links throw errors or do not behave correctly (akill)
#41951: [Portfolio] Can't delete portfolios from Restored Objects (no checkbox) (akill)
#42287: [RBAC] Rollen-Vorlagen lassen sich nicht öffnen (skergomard)
#38655: [Style – Content Style] Upload of image file with spaces in the name (akill)
#41548: [Style – Content Style] Copying local Stylesheets does not copy style class titles or outdated-settings as well (akill)
#41892: [Style – Content Style] Media Queries im Pageeditor funktionieren nicht (akill)
#40044: [Survey] Missing information in the PDF of the detailed survey results (akill)
#41334: [Survey] No response when importing incorrect file type to Survey Question Pool (akill)
#41378: [Survey] Survey Question title too long (akill)
#41744: [Survey] Settings - Administering the survey: Access Time not saved correctly (akill)
#41886: [Survey] Fehler in Matrixfrage neutrale Antwort (akill)
#41913: [Survey] error when clikcing on access-Codes in survey (akill)
#42042: [Survey] Survey Access Code: Send Reminder leads to error (akill)
#42225: [Survey] Gesetzte Haken und ausgefülltes Textfeld werden bei Export / Import nicht übernommen - Fehlermeldung (akill)
#42264: [Survey] Copy questions of a survey (akill)
#42267: [Survey] Matrix-question - ILIAS adds always a neutral column (akill)
#29216: [Test & Assessment] Teilnehmerergebnisse fehlen nach Export/Import von Zufalltests (fhelfer)
#31623: [Test & Assessment] Question Type Filter is applied to next rule (skergomard)
#34365: [Test & Assessment] Cloze Question Import (QPL) from 5.4 to 7 moves text from Question to Cloze Text (tjoussen)
#40959: [Test & Assessment] Autosave claims to save your work while being offline ... but new content of the answer is most likely to be lost (skergomard)
#41629: [Test & Assessment] Zugriff auf den Reiter "Einstellungen" fehlgeschlagen (tjoussen)
#41667: [Test & Assessment] Filter in the "Manual Scoring> Scoring by Question" tab does not work (skergomard)
#41680: [Test & Assessment] Adding a new table row leads to Error (ta-bugs)
#41774: [Test & Assessment] Import/Copy Problems with long introduction/closing texts of existing test objects (skergomard)
#41867: [Test & Assessment] Only image feedback broken in SC question with IILIAS Page Editor (skergomard)
#42144: [Test & Assessment] Export failed: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, bool given (skergomard)
#42158: [Test & Assessment] Saving a SC/MC question crashes fatally when thumbnail size is out of range (skergomard)
#42249: [Test & Assessment] Display issue in detailed results view of cloze questions (skergomard)
#42288: [Test & Assessment] Wrong Reporting Date on Info-Page (skergomard)
#42348: [Test & Assessment] Error Text : problems with tag like elements "<T>" (skergomard)
#42422: [Test & Assessment] Fragetyp - Freitext eingeben - Eingaben werden vom System geändert (skergomard)
#42474: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Rückmeldung zu Single-Choice-Frage hinzufügen (skergomard)
#42503: [Test & Assessment] Migration steps related to the test object are crashing during the upgrade from ILIAS 7 to ILIAS 8 (skergomard)
#42506: [Test & Assessment] prüfen von Lückentextkombination erzeugt Fehler "Call to a member function getAnswertext() on null" (skergomard)
#42675: [Test & Assessment] Kopieren von Fragenpools löst Fehler aus. (skergomard)
#42687: [Test & Assessment] Setting tolerance value with comma instead of point in formula question leads to error message (skergomard)
#42485: [User Service] Einstellungen von "ILIAS-Konten" ohne Berechtigung aufrufbar (skergomard)
#42712: [User Service] User/SelfRegistration: Wrong PHP type in \ilUserProfile::getRolesInput for hidden input field (skergomard)
#41937: [Wiki] Anonymous user can activate notifications for wiki - leading to notifications to crash (akill)
#42517: [¥ Notifications (NOT Center!)] Pop-Up Notifications: Numerical settings get lost after deactivation (iszmais)
#35589: [¥ Object] Add a byline to the Taxonomy function in the Settings tab of Categories (skergomard)
#35950: [¥ Object] title and description get lost after activating multilingual editor (skergomard)
#42204: [¥ Object] Copying an object with a long title leads to fatal PDOException (or stalls for container objects) (skergomard)
#32628: [¥ Tiny MCE] Can choose but not use TinyMCE in questions in Learning Modules (skergomard)
#42246: [¥ Tiny MCE] Export of tiny mce does not include paragraphs and images (akill)
#42336: [¥ UI Components / KS] Unable to sort table records by columns that are not shown by default (tfuhrer)