DSGVO-Baukasten (Privacy.md zu den Werkzeugen und Diensten)

Item Groups

Item Group Privacy

This documentation does not warrant completeness or correctness. Please report any missing or wrong information using the ILIAS issue tracker or contribute a fix via Pull Request.

Integrated Services

  • The Item Group component employs the following services, please consult the respective privacy.mds
    • The Object service stores the account which created the object as it's owner and creation and update timestamps for the object.
    • AccessControl

Data being stored

  • The Item Group module itself does not store any personal data.

Data presentation

  • The Item group itself does not present any personal data.

Data Deletion

  • The Item group itself does not store or delete any personal data.
  • Basic object and permission data is deleted once the object is "finally" deleted (removed from trash).


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