Thread "Welcome to this forum!"


  • mkunkel
    Matthias Kunkel | mkunkel (Moderation) | 14. Feb 2011, 08:46
    Edited on: 2. Sep 2014, 14:47 - by Matthias Kunkel | mkunkel
    Welcome to this forum!


    With this new forum we want to stregthen the discussion and information exchange of ILIAS users worldwide. User groups are already existing in some countries and regions. But there still a lot of users worldwide that have no community to cooperate with.

    We are offering this forum for building new communities and to enforce the communication of existing ones (most of them are already on this platform, have a look at the Community page). You can create a new topic if you are looking for a new user group or like to found it. If you are already involved in a user group, use this forum to disseminate news and events within the whole ILIAS community.

    Best regards,


  • mkunkel
    Matthias Kunkel | mkunkel (Moderation) | 15. Feb 2011, 07:49
    Welcome to this forum!
    Notice: Please create a new topic for your posting and do not reply to this one. Thank you!
  • mkunkel
    Matthias Kunkel | mkunkel (Moderation) | 19. Aug 2016, 11:55
    Forum renamed

    We have renamed this forum to 'Jobs and User Communities' to avoid misunderstandings of the aim of this forum. It is not for general user questions but for job offers and discussions among the national and regional communities of ILIAS.

    Kind regards,
