Call for Papers – DevConf Graz

Contributions by the community to the programme of the Development Conference at 04 September in Graz | Deadline: 19 August 2024


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 ES6 classes: to be, or not to be.

Presented by

Thibeau Fuhrer
sr solutions ag

Short description

At the previous DevConf in Cologne, I was holding a presentation about ES6 modules - what they are and why we should use them.

This time, I wanted to talk about the implementation details of such modules, with a primary focus on the new ES6 class syntax. I will talk about what an ES6 class is at its essence, when we should use one, and more importantly, when not to. The presentation will also cover some alternatives to ES6 classes and possible ways to structure our ES6 modules accordingly.

The topic is relevant for the ILIAS development, because more and more ES6 modules are implemented using classes. The aim of this presentation is to provide a solid understanding of the new language feature, so developers know how to use classes more appropriately.



Target group


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Contribution will be recorded and published.