Call for Papers – DevConf Graz

Contributions by the community to the programme of the Development Conference at 04 September in Graz | Deadline: 19 August 2024


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 Overhauling the Metadata Component: API for Learning Object Metadata

Presented by

Tim Schmitz
leifos GmbH

Short description

In the course of a major overhaul of the Metadata component started in ILIAS 9, we have introduced a new API for working with the Learning Object Metadata of ILIAS objects. Traditionally, the Metadata component has not made a clear distinction between infrastructure for internal and external use. Disentangling it from other components after roughly 20 years of organic growth thus takes a bit of work, and the API plays a big part in this process. Here, we'll present the current state of our endeavor: what has already been done, what still needs to be done, what has turned out to be challenging.

Further, we hope that the new API will encourage a more lively exchange between objects in ILIAS and their metadata, in the core and particularly via plugins. Metadata needs to be alive to be useful. To this end, we want to demonstrate what can be done using the API beyond the current needs of the core, and discuss further potential use cases. We also want open up a discussion of where we might take the API in the future.

For an overview of the current state of the API, see



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