Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


(Project) Page Layout Revision - Part II

This is a project page that bundles several feature wiki pages which belong to a larger development activity for ILIAS.

1 Aim of Project

With ILIAS 6 the main outer structure of a page was redesigned. We agreed on a layout for components mostly surraunding the content of the screen such as the Main Page, the Meta Bar, the Main Bar, Slates, Breadcrumbs and so forth. However many feature/issues had to be moved to ILIAS 7. There is a rather large list to be presented in the Abschlussevent of the PLR 6 Project.

Among the core aspects (random ordering):

  • Introduce a proper concept for the notification center (currently only given by UI Components)
  • Migrate more components to UI Components (by using existing/extending UI Components or providing new ones)
  • Organize and define the content area properly (e.g. Actions, Tabs, Right Side Panel)
  • Enhance Accessibility
  • Further strengthen the UI on small screens
  • ...

2 Conceptual Summary

The concepts to tackle the various problems and the selection of the problems to tackle will need to be fixed collaboratively. Since this project will provide probably again more work than can be achieved in one release and involves various maintainers, proper project management will be key. Therefore we propose to again to hire a project manager taking care of regular meeting, communication, setting prios and so forth.

3 Involved Maintainers and Stakeholders

Stay in contact and get informations about the project: Go to Working Group

4 Timeline

ILIAS 7 (Spring 2021)

The ILIAS 7 release closes the conceptual gaps from the page layout revision. Discussions about a further revision of UI components in the content area are started. 
Some trivial components are transferred to the Kitchen Sink and implemented in ILIAS.

ILIAS 8 (Spring 2022)

Due to the discussion status of the "Page Layout Revision - Part II" further UI elements of the content area are revised and transferred to KS.

5 Related Feature Requests and Status

Feature Request

Suggested by

Funded by



Separate On-Screen Chat and Notification Center

Enrico Zenzen




Drag&Drop Files in Container Objects

Enrico Zenzen

DigikoS, Universität Bern



Integrate On-Screen Notifications into Notification Center

Enrico Zenzen

ILIAS eV, Universität Bern



Clean up the member view

Enrico Zenzen




Online Help-Improvements for ILIAS 8

Enrico Zenzen


In discussion

Results of collecting Actions and Properties of Repository Objects

Oliver Samoila


In discussion

Change Slate Behavior

Oliver Samoila


In discussion

6 Related Bug Reports and additional issues

Bug Report

Reported by


Revision of the filters

Oliver Samoila


Bug Report

Reported by

Slate of Metabar on small screens does not behave as supposed

Alexandra Tödt

Breadcrumb article is lacking

Alexandra Tödt

Tree in the slate: Expand / Collapse-Arrow at the highest level of the respective tree is superfluous

Oliver Samoila

Pull Requests

Suggested by

Transfer of the Tabs / Title Section / Content Section to UI Components

Timon Amstutz

Additional Issues

Suggested by

White body background

Matthias Kunkel, Enrico Zenzen

ILIAS Icon Set: Icon-Workshop

Yvonne Seiler, Matthias Kunkel

An overview of the conceptual questions that arose during the page layout revision can be found here: Page Layout Revision - Questions & TO DOS for ILIAS 7

7 Additional Information

  • none

8 General Discussion

Please discuss specific questions of feature requests on the related feature wiki pages. This discussion section is only for a general discussion of the project and its realisation.

Dernière édition: 18. oct. 2024, 17:43, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]