Feature Wiki
Information about planned and released features
Universität Freiburg
1 Contact
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau
URL: www.uni-freiburg.de
ILIAS für die Präsenzlehre: ilias.uni-freiburg.de
ILIAS für die wiss. Weiterbildung: wb-ilias.uni-freiburg.de
Marko Glaubitz: marko.glaubitz@rz.uni-freiburg.de, 0049 761 203 9876
2 Contributions
Please click on "What links here?" to see all features funded by Universität Freiburg.
Portfolio Project - Project: Improvement of portfolio function in ILIAS
Competence Management - Improvements of Competence Management for ILIAS 7
New Survey Mode: Individual Feedback
3 Feature Requests:
- Chat: On-Screen Chat
- Course Management: Default for Status Online after copying an object
- Course Management: Randomly distribute a set of course / group members to a set of groups
- Course Management: Copying Linked Objects
- Course Management: Send Mail when Course Copying is Finished
- Course Management: Streamlining the copy process in general
- Interactive Videos: Interactive Videos contracted
- Exercise: Make peer feedback relevant for "passed" status implemented
- Exercise: Show Peer Feedback Deadline in Object Description
- File: Collaborative Annotation / Social Reading
- Forum: Streamlining: Copy Forum
- Administration: Error dumping workflow for loadbalanced setups, see discussionpost on Error handling and logging
- Notifications: News Notification for Courses and Groups
- Notifications: Scheduled Reminders
- Exercise: Make peer feedback relevant for passed status implemented
- Learning Progress: Privacy Improvements of the Learning Progress for Course Members
- Poll: Poll as Page Editor Element
- SCORM Learning Modules: Internal Links for SCORM Modules
- Wiki: Embedding and Scripting on Wiki Pages
- Course Management: Starting to Support Adaptive Learning Scenarios
4 Accepted Feature Requests
Release 5.2
- Minimum Waiting Time for Test Runs contracted
- Newsitems for Blog contracted
- Integrate Permission Manager Plugin into trunk
- Starting to Support Adaptive Learning Scenarios
- Assign competences manually
- Groups and Courses: News Timeline
Release 5.1
Release 5.0
- Bibliographic List Item: Automatic Link Generation / Connection to Link Resolvers of University Libraries implemented
- Comments: Additional Settings for Public Comments
- Comments: Sorting Comments
- Personalised Peer Feedback implemented
- File as Peer Feedback implemented
- Exercise: Tutor Feedback in Peer Feedback Mode implemented
- Forum: Up / Down Voting for Forum Topics implemented
- Footnotes: Improved Footnote Handling
- ILIAS LM: LM Chapters / Pages as Preconditions in ILIAS LM
- ILIAS LM: Progress status for learning modules
- Wiki: Template pages in each wiki implemented
- Wiki: Statistics with graphics and export for entire wiki and single wikipages implemented
- Wiki: PDF Export of Wikis implemented
- Categories: Preselect only categories when copying a category branch
- Content-Snippets for Containers implemented
- Extensions of Peer Feedback implemented
- Course Management: My courses and groups as alternative source on copy screen implemented
- Course Management: Bundle all daily notification mails into one mail per user, Summary Mail comprising News of Groups and Courses implemented
Release 4.4
Last edited: 30. Aug 2022, 13:20, Rüping, Stephan [ruepings_hsu]