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Quick Import for Media Objects
Page Overview
[Hide]1 Description
Every media pool should offer a quick import directory on the server, that can be used to import a larger number of media files into the media pool. The workflow for the user would be:
- Send files into the import directory per FTP
- Invoke import process of directory within media pool
2 Implementation in 4.2
The feature is activated under: Administration -> Media Objects/Pools -> Upload Directory. The directory must be readable for the web server.
If activated, a new button "Create Media Objects from Upload Directory" will appear in media pools. This buttons offers to create media objects from a list of directories/files in the upload directory.
3 Status
- Scheduled for Release: Release 4.2
- Funding: Funded by Open Consulting
- Development: Feature is to be developed by Leifos
4 Additional Information
- If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: alex.killing (at) gmx.de
5 Discussion
M. Kunkel, A. Killing, 4 Apr 2011: We confirm the feature for 4.2.
6 Follow-up
Last edited: 28. May 2024, 09:51, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]