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Revise Content-Tab »Folder« in User Mail System

1 Initial Problem

As part of the RemovingLUI project, the content tab 'Folder' of the user mail system must be revised. This will be used to improve the overall clarity and comprehensibility of the information.

The really really special filter, which allows further restrictions when entering text, is to be replaced. Some different statuses that are relevant for mails should no longer be handled individually.
The order of the information in the table could be improved. The same applies to the recognition of read and unread, which is only done via bold labelling and is difficult to recognise - often even more difficult with different system fonts

There is also a 'secret' function that can be used to trigger a zipped download of several attachments via paper clip glyph

empty text filter
some content in text filter with advanced options
some statuses of mails in separated filters
Current collation of data

2 Conceptual Summary


The filters are reorganised:

  • Sender (text)
  • Subject (text)
  • Mail Body (text)
  • Attachment content (text) (Forgotten in the MockUps)
  • Display (multi select)
    • Show Read
    • Show Unread
    • Show User Mails only
    • Show System Notifications only
    • With Attachements
    • Without Attachements
  • Period (date-time and duration)
    • from …
    • until …
    • from … until …

The filter 'Display' summarises several legacy filters and enables combinations of filter criteria to be reached quickly and kept clear.

Table Content

The reorganised order of the columns is:

  • Status (Symbols for 'read' or 'unread' | sortable)
  • Avatar (Avatar as Letter or Picture | not sortable)
  • Sender (Text for "Fullname (Username)" or Header Title of Platform | sortable)
  • Subject (Linked Text to open the mail | sortable)
  • Date (Text | sortable)
  • Attachment (Paper-Clip-Symbol to show there are attechments or empty table cell | sortable)
  • Actions (Action menu | not sortable)

The status 'unread' or 'read' is made explicit.
'Attachments' only shows whether attachments exist or not. There is no hidden functionality behind it.

Table Options

We do not provide options to show/hide the columns 'Attachment' ans' Avatar'.

Row Actions and Table Actions

Row Actions: The actions per row remain unchanged.

  • View
  • Reply
  • Forward
  • Download Attachments (Only if one attachment is existing. If there is more than one attachment, a zip file is being downloaded.)
  • Print

Table Actions: The former multic actions are placed in bulk actions of data table, supplemented by the 'apply to all objects' process. There are no useful row actions for bulk processing.

  • Move to: Inbox
  • Move to: Trash (Delete)
  • Move to: Drafts
  • Move to: Sent
  • Move to: User Folders
  • (Move to: [Folder Title]) (only if it exists)
  • Mark as Read
  • Mark as Unread
  • Apply to all

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Content-Tab 'Folder' in user mail system

3.2 User Interface Details


  • Using DateTime and Duration Inputs for Filter is actual an open PR: #6646.
  • Filter with multi select filter is apparently buggy
  • New Symbols for Status 'read' and 'unread' for mails are required. (These will be 'icons'.)

Main elements (TabLE, Filter and Actions)

Focus on the table content
Focus on the filter elements
Focus on bulk actions
Focus on Row Actions (Sorry for missing 'Reply' and 'Download Attachments' in MockUp)

Complete composition

New UI Data Table with KS Filters

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

No new concepts used.

3.4 Accessibility Implications

Nothing specific.
Possibly an improvement by using symbols for status 'read' an 'unread' instead of a bold tag to mail subject.

4 Technical Information

{ The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues. }

5 Privacy

Nothing specific.

6 Security

Nothing specific.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 03 MAR 2024: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 10. Only open issue is the question of how we distinguish unread messages from read ones. We discussed several options and a first conclusion is only to highlight unread messages with a kind of symbol (letter, big point) and bold text. Oliver will discuss options in one of the next UI clinic meetings.

10 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 23 September 2024  by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]

    • C6714 » Mail endgültig löschen
    • C1603  » Mailliste nach Spaltentitel sortieren
    • C1604 » Mailliste: zwischen Seiten navigieren
    • C24719 » Mailliste filtern
    • C24720 » Aktionenmenü in Mailliste
    • C1606 » Nachricht(en) verschieben (aus Liste)
    • C1619 » Nachricht verschieben (innerhalb einer Nachricht)
    • C1611 » Nachricht(en) als (un)gelesen markieren
  • Noch offen / zu löschen / zu überprüfen, scheitern aber am Zustand des Trunks:
    • C25094 » Textfilter in Mails mit Wildcard-*
    • C24728 » Herunterladen von Anhängen als ZIP-Archiv


Information in privacy.md of component: updated on {date} by {user} | no change required


Approved at 04 September 2024 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

Last edited: 23. Sep 2024, 16:12, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]