Feature Wiki
KS-Entry: Filter Items
Purpose: Filter Items narrow a list of entries down, such that only entries with the filtered-for properties are shown. Filter Items are only needed if the list of entries is expected to be huge and rendered unusable for regularly occurring workflows.
Composition: Filter Items have an identifier outlining the filtered-for property, a data-entering control (text field, drop-down, date input field or repository selector) and a glyphed Close-Button. Filters Items can contain a single control or they can comprise two controls to specify a range.
Effect: Filters have no effect unless the Apply-Button of the Filter Bar is clicked. Clicking the glyphed Close-Button will remove this Filter Item from the Filter Bar
Rival Elements: Search Field
- Employ with care since users are typically challenged by the use of filters.
- Filter Items can be individually added to a Filter Bar. Filter Items MUST offer a neutral option, that will have no effect on the list.
- Wording of Identifiers:
- Do not use generic nouns like “Selection”, “Status” or “Activation” without qualifying the criterion. Please use “Solution available”, “Status of Cancelation”, “Date of Creation”, “Status of User” or the like
- Combined filters that use several fields with OR are indicated by “/”; i.e. “Title / Description” or “Login / E-Mail / Name”
- Ranges are indicated by “(from…to)” . Cut-off Dates are indicated by “(before)” resp. “(after)”
- Wording of Options:
- For the neutral option use “All …” like in “All Roles”, “All Statuses”, “All Users”.
- Supposedly most-used Filter Items is first from the left hand-side. The least used-filters are put on right hand-side
- Fixed width per filter respective to grid
Zuletzt geändert: 18. Mai 2018, 15:38, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]