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Overlay Guideline

1 Requirements

Problem description: During the ELBA-project, ILIAS implemented the possibility to use a overlay at the right side. Now more and more features will use this possibility in the future. A Guideline is needed.


  • When is this overlay allowed, when not?
  • Where ILIAS should put the buttons for User-Interaction, what kind of buttons?
  • Do we need a Cancel-Button in every overlay? Do we need a Close-Icon in every overlay?
  • Where do we add addidtional Links (Sorting, ...)
  • ...

1.1 Examples:

Components using this overlay:

  • Public comments (Actions => Comments)
  • Private Notes (Actions => Notes)
  • Tags (Actions => Set tags)
  • Online-Help (German Online Help, via Icon)
  • Data Collection (Add New Value)

2 Status

  • Effective from release:
  • Approved by Jour Fixe at:
  • Implementation status: needs implementation for existing features until ...
  • Funding for streamlining existing features:
  • Implementation of guideline:

3 Components that are not compliant with guideline

4 Discussion

JF 13 Oct 2014: We support the request for a guideline. We did not come up with a complete suggestion for a guideline text yet, but some we collected some points:

  • With ILIAS 5.0 the YUI panels should be replaced by the new Modal component, if possible (e.g. internal link editing or calendar entries)
  • We think that "supporting features" like comments or notes that are used in mulitple contexts and that should be usable without leaving the current context could be implemented as bootstrap modals, too.
  • The online help feature should not use the bootstrap modals, since the content of the current screen should be visible (at least as much as possible).
  • Adding new items to collections (e.g. add new record) in general should not be done with overlays/modals yet, if there is not a good reason, since this is not a usual behaviour in ILIAS.
Please add your suggestions for a guideline. We need a full text before making a final decision.

Laatste wijziging: 15. Okt 2014, 08:30, Lauener, Hansjörg [lauener]