Feature Wiki
Information about planned and released features
Success, Failure, ... Messages
1 Description
Success, failure, information and confirmation messages are visually separated. Developers should revise their code according to these guidelines.
2 Status
- Scheduled for Release: Release 4.0
- Funding: Not Funded.
- Development: Feature is to be developed by LEIFOS / Alex Killing, revisions should be done by all component maintainers.
3 Additional Information
If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: alex.killing at gmx.de
Progress (a - sign means that no sendInfo calls are present in the component)
- Services/AccessControl: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Administration: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/AdvancedEditing: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/AdvancedMetaData: Done (Stefan Meyer)
- Services/AdvancedSelectionList: -
- Services/Authentication: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/AuthShibboleth: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Block: -
- Services/Cache: -
- Services/Calendar: Done (Stefan Meyer)
- Services/Captcha: -
- Services/CAS: -
- Services/Certificate: Done (Helmut Schottmüller)
- Services/Clipboard: -
- Services/Component: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Container: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/ContainerReference: Done (Stefan Meyer)
- Services/COPage: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/CopyWizard: -
- Services/Database: -
- Services/EventHandling: -
- Services/Exceptions: -
- Services/Explorer: -
- Services/Export: -
- Services/Feedback: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Feeds: -
- Services/FileSystemStorage: -
- Services/Form: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Frameset: -
- Services/GoogleMaps: -
- Services/Help: -
- Services/InfoScreen: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Init: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Javascript: -
- Services/JSON: -
- Services/Language: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/LDAP: Done (Stefan Meyer)
- Services/Locator: -
- Services/Logging: -
- Services/Mail: To do
- Services/MainMenu: -
- Services/Math: -
- Services/MediaObject: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Membership: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/MetaData: To do
- Services/Migration: -
- Services/Navigation: -
- Services/News: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Notes: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Object: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Payment: To do
- Services/PermanentLink: -
- Services/PersonalDesktop: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/PHPUnit: -
- Services/PrivacySecurity: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/QTI: -
- Services/Radius: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Rating: -
- Services/Registration: To do
- Services/Repository: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Search: To do
- Services/SOAPAutch: -
- Services/Style: To do
- Services/Survey: -
- Services/Table: -
- Services/Tracking: Done (Stefan Meyer)
- Services/Transformation: -
- Services/Tree: -
- Services/User: Done (Alex Killing)
- Services/Utilities: -
- Services/WebAccessChecker: -
- Services/WebDAV: -
- Services/WebServices: To do
- Services/XHTMLPage: -
- Services/XHTMLValidator: -
- Services/XHTMLYUI: -
- Modules/Category: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/CategoryReference: -
- Modules/Chat: Done (Jan Posselt)
- Modules/Course: Done (Stefan Meyer)
- Modules/CourseReference: -
- Modules/Exercise: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/ExternalFeed: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/File: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/Folder: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/Forum: To do
- Modules/Glossary: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/Group: Done (Stefan Meyer)
- Modules/HTMLLearningModule: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/ILinc: To do
- Modules/LearningModule: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/MediaCast: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/MediaPool: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/RemoteCourse: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/RootFolder: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/Scorm2004: To do
- Modules/ScormAicc: To do
- Modules/Session: Done (Stefan Meyer)
- Modules/Survey: Done (Helmut Schottmüller)
- Modules/SurveyQuestionPool: Done (Helmut Schottmüller)
- Modules/SystemFolder: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/Test: Done (Helmut Schottmüller)
- Modules/TestQuestionPool: Done (Helmut Schottmüller)
- Modules/WebResource: Done (Alex Killing)
- Modules/Wiki: Done (Alex Killing)
4 Discussion
5 Follow-up
最終更新: 5. Oct 2011, 10:42, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]